THE ACOLYTE TV Spot Reveals An Unexpected Clash Which May Be A Major SPOILER For Upcoming Episodes

THE ACOLYTE TV Spot Reveals An Unexpected Clash Which May Be A Major SPOILER For Upcoming Episodes THE ACOLYTE TV Spot Reveals An Unexpected Clash Which May Be A Major SPOILER For Upcoming Episodes

A newly released TV spot for The Acolyte features a clash between two of the show's heroes, leaving us to wonder what that means for the mystery at the core of the latest Star Wars TV series. Check it out!

By JoshWilding - Jun 09, 2024 03:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

The first two episodes of The Acolyte hinted at several big mysteries in this Galaxy Far, Far Away and it's apparent the Star Wars TV series will keep fans coming back week-to-week in the hope of learning more. 

It's been established that Mae wants to kill four Jedi Masters for their role in separating her and Osha as children and she's already dispatched Indara (Carrie-Anne Moss) and Torbin (Dean-Charles Chapman). 

The latter took the Barash Vow, and was shown floating in a silent state of Force meditation for over a decade before willingly drinking the poison Mae presented him with. Next on her list is the Wookie Kelnacca, and a newly released TV spot - first shared on - may reveal why he chose to live a solitary life on Khofar. 

As you'll see below, the Wookie is shown leaping into action for a battle with Torbin; could this be where the fallen Jedi got that scar on his face? It seems likely, but why the Jedi would battle each other like this remains a mystery to us...unless they were at odds over something significant. 

Without getting further into spoiler territory, we can tell you that this scene isn't in the third or fourth episodes provided to critics for review. There are, however, some clues coming up so be sure to check back here on Tuesday for our in-depth recap.

In our review of The Acolyte's first four episodes, we concluded by saying, "Star Wars like you’ve never seen it before, The Acolyte soars thanks to its impressive cast, compelling setting, and a mystery which will keep you coming back for more. Now, we just need to hope the series sticks the landing."

You can watch this new promo for The Acolyte in the players below.

In The Acolyte, an investigation into a shocking crime spree pits a respected Jedi Master (Lee Jung-jae) against a dangerous warrior from his past (Amandla Stenberg). As more clues emerge, they travel down a dark path where sinister forces reveal all is not what it seems...

The series stars Amandla Stenberg, Lee Jung-jae, Manny Jacinto, Dafne Keen, Charlie Barnett, Jodie Turner-Smith, Rebecca Henderson, Dean-Charles Chapman, Joonas Suotamo, and Carrie-Anne Moss.

The next Star Wars TV series comes from creator and showrunner Leslye Headland (Russian Doll), who also serves as executive producer alongside Kathleen Kennedy, Simon Emanuel, Jeff F. King, and Jason Micallef. Charmaine DeGraté and Kor Adana are the co-executive producers, and Rayne Roberts and Damian Anderson are producing.

The first two episodes of The Acolyte are now streaming on Disney+.

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FireandBlood - 6/9/2024, 3:16 PM
Wednesday this, and then Sunday, the real deal

User Comment Image
Whoelsebutkevin - 6/9/2024, 3:31 PM
@AnthonyVonGeek - "Okay"
WhateverItTakes - 6/9/2024, 3:21 PM
I thought that was kong
Malatrova15 - 6/9/2024, 3:33 PM
Jonaghan Majors is back
cadunovaes01 - 6/9/2024, 3:50 PM
Im curious about which rote this series will follow. But Andor remais the best SW show for me, in a large advantage
TrentCrimm - 6/9/2024, 4:10 PM
@cadunovaes01 -

Andor is my top pick for best made show so far my a long shot. The cast, the acting, the story, the script, set design, everything, is just absolute top notch.
Its more of a character/story driven show, instead of trying to shove the Star Wars aspect in our faces, and don't get me wrong sometimes I want Star Wars shoved in my face lol But Andor just does something more serious and grounded and it worked for me.

It's a slow burn of a show but it's putting in the effort to make the ride worth it .
cadunovaes01 - 6/9/2024, 4:12 PM
@TrentCrimm - indeed my friend! Andor is God tier
marvel72 - 6/9/2024, 3:56 PM
Disney Plus content is mostly shit and will remain so because how some of you react to it.

User Comment Image
TrentCrimm - 6/9/2024, 4:13 PM
@marvel72 -

I don't think that's the problem, shit look at the SW articles here and on Reddit, fans are very vocal about their distaste.

I think the problem is it's an IP that the studio knows they can do whatever with and it'll still bring in $$ because of the brand alone. They don't need people to like it, they just need people to click play.
Batmangina - 6/9/2024, 4:18 PM
The thumbnail is Gaybacca, Chewbacca's transmasc uncle who is actually his aunt who is known for being an expert in combat and has a bandolier of she-dicks that xie fires from a nonbinary crossbow.
marvel72 - 6/9/2024, 4:32 PM
@Batmangina -

User Comment Image
Ghoul - 6/9/2024, 4:30 PM
The actress playing osha/mae is [frick]ing awful. There’s no difference between the two at all it’s the same performance twice. The worst acting in Star Wars since most of the supporting cast of forgettable bullshit in Obi Wan. This crap is unwatchable. And apparently just gets worse. The beard on that floating Jedi whose name I also have forgotten looks like something a first grader wears on Halloween
marvel72 - 6/9/2024, 4:35 PM
@Ghoul - Disney couldn't even find twin black actors for the role.
I guess save some money with one actress playing both parts,final budget $181 Million.
marvel72 - 6/9/2024, 4:46 PM
@marvel72 - I mean actresses.
Batmangina - 6/9/2024, 5:08 PM
@marvel72 - A bargain at twice the price! Just ask the DEI Department!
Ghoul - 6/9/2024, 6:05 PM
@marvel72 - well based on interviews the show runner just chose this person because she has a crush on her. It certainly isn’t acting ability! The whole thing rests on her performance and it’s just not even close.
Matchesz - 6/9/2024, 8:25 PM
@marvel72 - they thought they didnt need to hire twin actresses because the Mae actress identifies as “they/them”

@Ghoul - it wouldnt be hard to believe the personal assistant of a predator wouldn't have predator tendencies herself.
marvel72 - 6/10/2024, 3:32 AM
@Matchesz -

User Comment Image
AvalonX - 6/9/2024, 5:07 PM
I am eagerly awaiting this weeks episode. I can't wait to see what the true believers come up with to defend it.
Matchesz - 6/9/2024, 8:37 PM
@AvalonX - i finally had time to pirate the first episode and it already lost me the way they set up Osha completely the same way as Rey and Sabine, gotta establish that she is a strong independent headstrong chick with a better than average knowledge of mechanics with a cute robot/pet sidekick. And the flexible comment at dafne keeners character was to be expected, disney and their sexual innuendos am right kids? 😅
McMurdo - 6/9/2024, 5:33 PM
If they try and imply the Jedi were forcing children into the academy and into training, this will be a gigantic jump the shark moment.
Waifuslayer - 6/9/2024, 6:09 PM
@McMurdo - I'm so [frick]ing sick of "Jedi are the real bad guys" bullshit.
Matchesz - 6/9/2024, 8:45 PM
@Waifuslayer - did it SUBVERT YOUR EXPECTATIONS ?
marvel72 - 6/10/2024, 8:55 AM
@McMurdo - They are making out the Jedi and you should be sympathetic to the villain.
marvel72 - 6/10/2024, 8:57 AM
@marvel72 - Jedi are evil.
BlackStar25 - 6/9/2024, 5:36 PM
Mannnnn....I [frick]ing ready for some Lightsaber action!
marvel72 - 6/9/2024, 6:50 PM
@BlackStar25 -

This type of Lightsabre action

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BlackStar25 - 6/10/2024, 3:21 PM
@marvel72 - As long as they are clashing...yes!
Mrnorth1921 - 6/9/2024, 6:58 PM
And I bet that most of you guys haven’t seen the show. Keep hating and complaining. All you’re doing is causing a controversy making people to watch it. And when they watch it, most actually enjoy it. Securing more seasons. Keep on hating for no reason and we keep getting more content.
Waifuslayer - 6/9/2024, 8:14 PM
@Mrnorth1921 - you reason we hate it is because it SUCKS! It's that simple.

Keep lapping up Kennedy's rancid juices you pathetic fanboy.
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AvalonX - 6/9/2024, 8:46 PM
@Mrnorth1921 - They tried to boost the audience review and it went from 26 to 32 in a day. Its back down to 28 already. You keep believing whatever you want.

Heres some reasons:
1) The dialog is atrocious
2) This girl with no weapon beats a Jedi master
3) She goes to kill another Jedi master, leaves, comes back and even though the guy is protected. He drinks poison anyway.
4) The Jedi give Osha the benefit of the doubt even though somehow, she looks identical and has the same haircut after not seeing her sister all those years.
5) The Jedi are stupid. The only one asking any relevant questions is Yorde but hes dismissed for no reason
6) The twin's "mothers"

This show is nuclear stupid. Everything about it is. The reason this is, is because they have the shock moments in mind. Its like they wrote the show backwards. They want all these things to happen so they are just filling in the rest because the writers aren't good enough to understand the plot.

Wait till this next episode. This show is going to fall off a cliff.
DarthOmega - 6/9/2024, 9:21 PM
@Mrnorth1921 - No reason? I think the show sucking is a good reason. We don't have to like everything Disney produces. It's ok pumpkin.
Mrnorth1921 - 6/9/2024, 10:16 PM
@AvalonX - actually her sister has longer hair. She doesn’t have the same hair. People aren’t seeing the show.

He drank the poison because he feels bad about something. He allowed himself to die. She guilted him. If you seen the show it was implied that he is suffering from some guilt.

And they want her to kill a Jedi master without it a weapon. She uses weapons to kill them and is technically failing her initiative. Again a plot point. If you seen the show, you’d see it.

And that last part is from legends. There have been many force sensitive covenants around for ages. One dark side covenant made up all women isn’t a crazy idea. It’s based off the gene besseric from dune. And two mothers? Please. In a sci-fi/fantasy universe having two mothers is really that crazy for you? Not the magic? Not the lightsabers? Not the flying than faster star ships and strange aliens? But two mothers?
Mrnorth1921 - 6/9/2024, 10:18 PM
@DarthOmega - you don’t have to like everything that’s true. But have you seen the show. Like actually seen the show? Not look on YouTube for random clips or follow a incel racists spoiler review? Watch the show. It isn’t bad. You guys being this gatekeeping about Star Wars is no different from the prequels: at backlash back then.
DarthOmega - 6/10/2024, 12:18 AM
@Mrnorth1921 - I've watched both episodes back to back. It's limp, lame, lackluster. When Disney does it right I applaud it. Andor, season 1 of Mando, Rogue One, hell I even like The Force Awakens. I even enjoy some of Rebels, and Bad Batch. Star Wars Visions was also pretty cool. But overall Disney's main output have been kinda lame. Btw, I don't need anyone to tell me how to think and feel. Especially about entertainment. Either I'm entertained or I'm not.
Mrnorth1921 - 6/10/2024, 12:51 AM
@DarthOmega - okay. But I think your own issues have prevented you from actually having fun and enjoying things. Instead of being cynical and overly judgmental on certain things.
DarthOmega - 6/10/2024, 1:00 AM
@Mrnorth1921 -

"okay. But I think your own issues have prevented you from actually having fun and enjoying things"

Dude I literally listed like 7 things I enjoyed from Disney lol.
Mrnorth1921 - 6/10/2024, 1:13 AM
@DarthOmega - yeah but those didn’t have a female character as the main character or have lesbian show runner doing the show. As well, I have seen your complaining about “episode 3” on several articles here. You have some issues dude. lol.
DarthOmega - 6/10/2024, 2:07 AM
@Mrnorth1921 - "yeah but those didn’t have a female character as the main character"

The Force Awakens does. Rogue One does. Visions does.

But I'm the one with issues? Ok dude. Good night.
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