The Tomb Raider reboot game launched in 2013, did more than just revive the franchise's interest, it also made the character far more dynamic and relatable for new players and fans in general , and introduced us to a different way to look at the character of Lara, without making her any less bad ass.
Multiple fans and professionals in the industry want to see a live action movie based off this characters exploits, and were this ever to come about, here is a fancast I've tullied up about the girl who was alone on a savage island before Arrow made it cool (the game was in developement before CW's Arrow).
First off, the director for this movie, I garner as Matt Reeves, who's done great movies such as Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and Let Me In.
He's extraordinarily good at telling complex and arresting story in a dynamic and thrilling way, that frightens, yet entices you, and is no stranger to action.

For the films DP, I assign Michael Seresin, a director of Photographer on such films as Prisoner of Azkabahn, the Planet of the Apes movie, and Midnight Express. He knows how to get that dark gritty intense feel Lara would need for this movie.
For the stunts of the movie, I choose Marvin Campell, the GENIUS behind the enviornmental and individual stunts of the James Bond movies from Skyfall, to Casino Royale, the recent Harry Potter movies (Deathly Hallows), Edge of Tomorrow, Kick Ass 2, and Children of Men, including it's one shot stunts.

And down to casting.
For the Roll of Lara Croft, the young (in this case first time adventurer) against an island worth of mystery and danger.
I choose Emma Watson
She's shown exemplary acting talent in more movies than just the Harry Potter Franchise and as most in her league are trying to break that Hogwartz mold, this would be an ideal oppertunity for her to show how much her teeth can grit.
One thing I would like to stress before moving on is the reasoning behind her choice. She's still seen by many as an actress, as the beautiful young and innocent girl we grew up with in a franchise we loved or knew about regardless how we felt about the series. This story in Lara's life is about her finding herself, and the tale, to tell us about her journey and growth INTO that character of the Tomb Raider; the metemorphasis.
There are a lot of actresses out there who would be good, like Olivia Wilde or Hayley Atwell even, but we know they're kick-ass, and we know they kick butt and take names. This story is about someone who has to grow into that, and us having to grow with them seeing them do so. So it's a journey for everyone involved, and that's why I feel she's ideal.
For her mentor and friend of her father, I choose Ray Stevenson, from The Book of Eli, ROME, and Dexter as Lara's friend and mentor, Col. Conrad Roth.
For Lara's best friend Samantha, who gets abducted by the Cult of Yamatai, I've casted Ahney Her, from Gran Torino. Watch the movie if you doubt her acting prowess. Also she looks like the character.
For the scheming Doctor of Lara's survivors party, James Whitman, casted Matt Letscher, from The Flash and Mask of Zorro.
For the cheerful, but not niave ships cook and handy man, I choose John Tui from Hawaii 50, and Battleship as Jonah Maiava. He's the actor big enough and with enough heart to play this Samoan wise cracker who would crush the life out of an enemy but give his own for a friend.
the spunky researcher, and mom, Joslin Reyes, I've chosen Sonequa M. Green from The Walking Dead, and Once Upon a Time.
For the ships salty Scottish helmsman, I chose Ken Stott known for his role as Balin in The Hobbit movies, and BBC's Rebus.
For Alex Wiess, the ships Technician and friend of Lara and Sam, I choose Nicholas D'Agosto from HEROES, and GOTHAM. He's an underated actor who could in the amount of screen time he has, hit home as the nerd without fear.
For the movies antagonist , Father Mathias, the soft spoken, coniving brute of a man who wants to sacrifice Sam for his assenstion to the Goddess summit of Yamatai, I chose none other than Vincent D'onofrio. His role in Daredevil as the Kingpin has been nothing short of arresting, and his other resume's from Fullmetal Jacket and Law and Order to this years Jurassic World, he could send chills down audiences spine's as the seemingly kind but lethal zealot cult leader.
As always, you owe me your souls, let me know what you think of this cast and crew.