Oh Man, A Megaton Bomb has been thrown into NeoGaf and everyone is exploading with Hype.
From IGN:
Platinum Games is developing The Legend of Korra, a third-person combat game based on the Nickelodeon TV show.
The Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Bayonetta 2 studio and Activision will launch its downloadable Legend of Korra game this fall on PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 3.
Korra scribe Tim Hendrick is writing the story, which takes place between The Legend of Korra’s second and third seasons. As the series' leading lady, players will use the Avatar's fire, earth, air, and water elements in combat to fight familiar enemies such as Mecha Tanks and Chi Blockers, as well as other Benders in the 3-on-3 Pro-Bending arena.
A Webfoot Technologies-developed turn-based strategy version of The Legend of Korra will also hit Nintendo 3DS this year. Where Platinum's action game is all about fast-paced martial-art combat, the 3DS game will "focus on tactically maneuvering Korra and her allies on the battlefield."
I think this is the right reaction to this news: