While chatting with SUPER HERO HYPE about his recently debuted Kapow! Con, the topic of discussion changed to movie adaptions, in which Millar tackled the subject of the movie sequels to his graphic novel Wanted & his comic mini series Kick-Ass:
What's happening with the sequel to "Wanted"?
MM: "It's almost like a riddle. "Wanted" made so much money, but it cost $70 million but they made $250, so they want a sequel, but they killed off the reason that it made that money, so they're trying to figure out a way of bringing Angelina back from the dead, and they can't figure it out. Every month or so I'll talk to the guys at Universal, and they'll say ‘We'll talk to some screenwriters, we'll do another draft', and Angelina's like ‘my character's dead, I'm not coming back.' There's been two or three screenplays.
And "Kick-Ass 2"?
MM: "Kick-Ass 2," just not sure. We're all getting paid real money now, so it's really hard to get everyone back in the same room."
You're obviously now straddling both worlds between film and comics. Are you trying to spend more time making films?
MM: "No, no, no. I've got three new comic properties that I'm just doing instead. I don't want to write screenplays. The only screenplay I've attempted was "Miracle Park," because I knew I was directing that myself. I hate writing them to be honest; I like the finished product, but I hate the process."
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