Created by William Moulton Marston. She first appeared in All Star Comics #8. I was first introduced to the character of Diana Prince aka Wonderwoman through a comic book one shot called “Wonderwoman Spirit Of Truth” written by Paul Dini and drawn by Alex Ross, the book gave me a completely different look on the character. Before that I thought of Wonderwoman as just a superheroine who just hated men and was out to prove she was just as good if not better than the male counter part superheroes like Batman or Superman.
I quickly found out that under good writers Wonderwoman was not that type of character at all, I began to do my research on the character more and more read books such as Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia, Wonderwoman: Love and Murder, Wonderwoman: Gods and Mortals, Wonderwoman: Eyes Of Gorgon, Wonderwoman Land Of The Dead. The character to me had become more of role model character for not only Women but for people in general probably more so than Batman and Superman.
Wonderwoman being a female character gets a lot of animosity from male fans, they see her as being intimidating or being useless simply because she is female. Personally I find the people that hate on the character are either afraid of strong female characters or have never really given the character a chance. Now the old television series staring Linda Carter was fun for it’s time, but I think comics and most of the cartoons have done a great job of representing the character. If Batman is The Dark Knight that inspires fear in criminals and Superman is the Man Of Steel that inspires hope in others, Wonderwoman is all about peace, love and equality all very enduring qualities.
Now she is sexy, beautiful and all that jazz but it’s her personality and qualities that make her such a timeless character. Like many characters Wonderwoman has had many costume changes. I really want a modern day Wonderwoman movie and soon, we’ve seen the male heroes on screen I think it’s time the First lady of comics got her shine on as well, they tried with a new tv show but that was a total failure so bad it didn’t even air on TV, I saw the pilot online and it was just pure trash. The animated movie I thought was pretty decent, enjoy pictures of the Themyscira Warrior Princess below. (pronounced Them-mes-skera). If you want to know more about the character check out the Wikipedia page on her here