Grant Morrison returned to the Fat Cave in this week's Fatman on Batman podcast presented by Kevin Smith. In addition to Batman, he talked a little about his upcoming Wonder Woman: Earth One graphic novel, which he is working on with artist Yanick Paquette (whom you may remember from early issues of Batman Inc).
The book is now titled Wonder Woman: The Trial of Diana Prince. Morrison reasons: "I think Wonder Woman's always on trial. Beyond that, women are always on trial."
Expect Wonder Woman to get a new origin because Morrison thinks sculpting her from clay makes her creepy and too remote. For those of you that have been following her in the New 52, you know that this is no longer canonical anyway; it was a cover story spun by Hippolyta to protect her from Hera's reprisal. She is, in fact, a child of Hippolyta and Zeus. I wonder what Morrison's take will be. Steve Trevor will also be a major character.
Don't worry too much because the book is still part of the Earth One line. Don't be surprised if it ends up being called Wonder Woman: Earth One, The Trial of Diana Prince or the cover at least features the Earth One logo. Morrison states that the book will be 120 pages and Paqutte has thus far completed 20. He doesn't know the release date, but when I spoke with Paquette at Motor City Comic Con he projected a mid 2014 release.