Refn, who is promoting his new movie Drive at Comic-con, which also happens to star Christina Hendricks, took some time to pitch for his starlet once again. This time he hammers out the reason the sexy redhead could be perfect for the superhero role. He is so passionate about making the movie that he urges the writer of this article to make-up a phony'll just have to read it below, I don't want to spoil it.
As for now Refn hasn't even been contacted by Warner Bros. who owns the rights, and he'll also be busy filming his next film, the remake to Logan's Run. Anytime I see a director this committed to a character or a film project that most others in the industry wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole that makes me pull hard for that creator to get the gig. Come on Warner Bros. let this guy make Wonder Woman! I photoshopped Hendricks as Wonder Woman as you can see on the right.
"First of all, she's an awesome actress," he gushed. "Second, she's so beautiful and so sexy and such a powerhouse of a woman that Liv, my wife, said that's the prototype of a real woman. She has everything a guy would want. And yet she's everything a girl thinks is the right way to look. So for me, she's the perfect choice."
"And she's mature, which I think Wonder Woman has to be, because it's a very complex character," he continued. "You know, the whole Wonder Woman concept is 'What if women were more powerful than men?' And I certainly can't come up with a more ideal choice to play that, both consciously because she's very smart but also because of her sensibility and her physicality … so for me, she's the perfect choice because she has so much sensibility and sexuality, but it's true sexuality. And she has a body to die for. I certainly don't know anybody of both sexes who doesn't find her extremely attractive."
"All you have to do is say, 'Warner Brothers has agreed to make Wonder Woman with Nicolas,'" he laughed. "We'll just write it, and then Warner Brothers will be like, 'Did we do that? Well, I guess we did it. It says we did it, so I guess we did it!'"
IGN video interview from earlier today
Sample of Christina's work in Firefly