Send us YOUR Wolverine Movie Review!

Send us YOUR Wolverine Movie Review!

The reviews are coming out about X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but everyone knows that they mean NOTHING unless the reviewer is a Comic Book Movie Fan! Send your review in HERE!

By ComicBookMovie - Apr 28, 2009 11:04 PM EST

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Tell us YOUR thoughts about the Wolverine flick. Is it too violent? We want to know from those IN the know.

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X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE Star Kevin Durand Reveals Plans For The Blob In Scrapped Sequel

X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE Star Kevin Durand Reveals Plans For The Blob In Scrapped Sequel

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shibazz - 4/28/2009, 11:31 PM
3 blades 1 cup
enirevloW - 4/29/2009, 1:52 AM
I watched the leaked movie on line, all I can say is I think that they shouldn't worry about the box office sucess! The TRUE fans that watched it on line (such as myself) WILL still go and see it on the big screen! AND I'll buy it when it comes out on DVD! Just wish they would have stuck to the story line a bit closer! But...........thats Hollywood for ya! They ALWAYS got to [frick] something up!
Dominic Magoon Aka "Wolverine"
enirevloW - 4/29/2009, 1:54 AM
And trust me I didn't put "Frick"! cancel the "ri" and put in the "U" Bub!
Snikt! Snikt!
Yoshi - 4/29/2009, 3:38 AM
They made a parody on comics, no ofence
CaptainAmerica - 4/29/2009, 4:42 AM
They mean the real film not the leaked one Dominic you faggot piece of shit.
CaptainAmerica - 4/29/2009, 5:24 AM
i dont like it when the person suckin on my dick looks up to me, it feels wierd.
MarkCassidy - 4/29/2009, 5:48 AM
Cap America u should really suck a tail pipe, maybe people in the next world will be nicer to you you [frick]ing waste of oxygen.

Is this movie too violent? lmao
TheMyth - 4/29/2009, 6:09 AM
I already have my tickets to the 12:01 showing Thursday night, and then I'm going to see it again Friday. I watched the shitty leaked version... and it psyched me the [frick] up for a finished movie. [frick] all you naysayers, you know who you are. To all my real people out there, I'll see you at the theater... and then the bar afterwards to raise a glass to the awesomeness that is all things Marvel!!!

CaptainAmerica: What's with the hostility bro? Grif is an asshole so thats all good (sorry Grif, your cool but you know your an asshole) but poor Dom didn't do anything. I feel your rage in regards to this movie and all the negativity supposed 'fans' are throwing at it, but damn man, you need a Zanex.
ManThing - 4/29/2009, 6:34 AM
I don't think Grif is an asshole at all. he just doesn't pull any punches when it comes to these movies which I respect.
CaptainAmerica - 4/29/2009, 6:43 AM
Lol no thanks, i dont like tail pipe. I like your pic Rory ;)
enirevloW - 4/29/2009, 7:08 AM
WOW, Captain Crybaby! I had no idea you that could jump up someones ass for their opionion, and also, how can ANYONE review the film if it hasn't come out yet, EXCEPT for the leaked version!
And what did you say, "you don't like it when the person sucking your dick looks up at you?" Thats because its hard for you to turn around and see the person pumping you in the ass, WHILE your trying to suck your own dick! Sorry guys I HAD to stoop to his level, I'm not gonna be attacked by some fag for stating my opionion! And your last statement REALLY does make you sound like a pole smoking, AIDS spreading, P.O.S.! So go sit on your mama's lap and suck on her titty you fcuking FAG! Make sure to use your KY for thats ass, or in your case just spit on it! But for OUR sake the REAL people in this world, Put on a condom so you don't spread your HIV! So on that note....go play in traffic! Sorry again everyone!
Oh yea, any REAL wolverine fans, please come say hi at my myspace (I'll bet Captian cum guzzler stops by!) Damn it I did it again! Sorry!
TheMyth - 4/29/2009, 7:09 AM
@Juggernaut: actually the 2 walk hand in hand, as I understand a lil something about being an asshole. I didn't say there was anything wrong with being an asshole, as people typically define an asshole as a person who tells the truth regardless of whose feelings are hurt, which is great actually. It's also why I never rip on Grif because he is just an asshole, not a griefing troll, big difference in the 2. Grif, don't misunderstand the statement, I wear my asshole badge proudly.

Alright guys enough of the homophobic exchange. There are plenty more inventive insults aside from assaulting someones sexuality. How about some 'Yo Momma' insults!!! Here, I'll start: Hey Rorschach01, Yo momma so fat, her blood type is Ragu. (just joking buddy)
Stumblin - 4/29/2009, 7:18 AM
Actually Dominic Magoon, this movie has been released all over Europe already. So people CAN write a review on the actual movie and not just the leaked movie.

And no, I haven't seen the leaked version, I don't want to, because it's not complete, I rather see what they consider their final product, not the rough idea. Also, do yourself a favor, judging by your choice in vocabulary and consistent bashing, you're either 12 or just have a 12 year old mentality, grow up.
breakUbatman - 4/29/2009, 8:57 AM
This was an enjoyable movie that could have been better with a bit more effort. By no stretch of the imagination is it the best. It had good moments which were interspersed between bad ones.

Firstly let's start with the poster before we go into the cinema, yes the poster. As with X3: The Last Stand the significance of the characters on the poster in relation to the movie is non-existant. Deadpool might as well be Angel on the X3 poster, why Emma Frost, Cyyclops and Silverfox are there I dont know. Fox should stop the false advertising.

The movie itself started off well with a fun war montage of the initial relationship between Logan and Sabretooth followed by a nam scene reminiscent of Universal Soldier. Jackman is looking the part as usual but is outshone in this movie by Liev Schreiber who is the best character in the movie. While he doesnt have the traditional Sabretooth look he has the personality. Agent zero was quite interesting and Reynold's Wade was funny yet badass for his 10 minutes of screen time. Gambit was also good. I have no idea why they chose to add the blob to Team X.

The basic plot of the movie is that Wolverine becomes dissilusioned with Team X and quits only to be haunted by his involvement and former members later on in life.

There isnt much character development in the movie though everything is plot fueled. Whether it was bad acting or directing, Jackman could only look down when trying to look introspective. In addition when wolverine says "I'm the best at what I do" you have to have watched the previous X-Movies to justiy this statement because upto this moment the only skills we have seen are from Sabretooth, Wade and Agent Zero

Fans will feel cheated by the way that Wade dissapears without seeing how it happened especially after seeing what he is capable of in the beginning. In retrospect certain scenes such as boxing with the blob were unnescessary and could have been used to shown wades fate or the breaking up of team X.

The main fault of this movie is the special effects, Wolverine is eclipsed by shows such as Heroes and Smallville. Seriously I havent seen such cartoony effects in a long time. The cgi really pulls uo out of the movie, from plastic looking claws to a psone looking helicopter scene, all the cgi was bad. Fox should sue. On the plus side the initial chase leading up to the helicopter debacle was good

This movie should have been grittier, there is so much stabbing and close ups of blades being retracted and yet the only blood shown comes from busted lips. The cameos were senseless and wasted a lot of time. For some reason cyclops beam is now laser hot instead of a concusion blast, it can slice a building in half but is also fully blockable by adamantium claws (yes you read right). There was no need for cyclops to be there or Xavier.

After all the negative stuff i've said this was still fun but not worth the hype fox needs to pull their socks up as does Gavin hood. The Sabretooth wolveine bond became a joke at the end and the movies conclusion was shaky at best. Deadpool is just thrown into the movie for the sake of it and is useless.

To sum up this movie, good ideas bad execution. I'm just left wondering about Fox's strategy for the franchise, is the actor playing Cyclops going to be in first class and why would cyclops be the only mutant to stay on with xavier to form the x-men. The only reason why the childrens escape should have been shown would be to set up First Class.

On a side note does quicksilver belong to Fox or marvel now?
CaptainAmerica - 4/29/2009, 9:20 AM
@Dominic Magoon
Lol The movie is out already stupid ass!!!

p.s. Yo Mama's like a mosquito, you have to slap her to get her to stop sucking.
breakUbatman - 4/29/2009, 9:43 AM
Oh yeah I forgot bone claws...originally shaped like pointy gnarled sticks, once coated in adamantium they transform into knife shaped weapons. Falling laser heads...dropped down a giant cooling tower yet only made 3 rotations

Dont get me started on the other glaring mistakes or unexplained mysteries of the movie. I'll have to watch it a couple more times to decide whether it wa better than X3
shibazz - 4/29/2009, 10:35 AM
Hey Myth- what does yer mom and a Panda Bear have in common....... Two Black Eyes! ohhhhh!!!.... (heehe made that one up meself i did.) nice one Capt.AM
adamant877 - 4/29/2009, 11:21 AM
Myth: Yo momma's so stupid... She thought BoysIIMen was a daycare!
adamant877 - 4/29/2009, 11:22 AM
Yo momma's so fat... she eats Wheat Thicks!
enirevloW - 4/29/2009, 11:37 AM
Again, I guess NOW, EVERYONE feels the need to take shots at me! (And my momma!) Lol Unbafcukingleavable!
Betty - 4/29/2009, 11:51 AM
To no one in particular (i just like yo mamma jokes)

Yo mamma so fat, she jump up in the air and get stuck!
SHHH - 4/29/2009, 12:55 PM
wow, this is more entertaining than the movie itself. leave the mans MOM alone. like u guys tell me not
SHHH - 4/29/2009, 1:38 PM
well, the video game looks pretty good to play.
loganaspatch - 4/29/2009, 2:34 PM
hey keven your mama so ugly she put her face in dough and made gorilla cookies

nice review breakubatman my thoughts exactly after watching the leaked version, seems as the final version is the same just with finished cgi
enirevloW - 4/29/2009, 2:41 PM
YOU BETCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
shibazz - 4/29/2009, 3:19 PM
Hey Kevin - whats the only difference between yer mom and a platypus.... nobody's ever said to a Platypus, "You're a cock-hungry nasty little whore arent'cha?!" yeah but the fur , the tail and the webbed feat are all the same. oops! transformers are cool cant wait fer tha movie
shibazz - 4/29/2009, 3:23 PM
@SHHH yer moms SOOOO Fat and Nasty , it looks like her neck went out for a walk... and stepped in a pile of shi# ! i got yer dot com right here boyo...... GI JOE Resolute was nice son!
SHHH - 4/29/2009, 3:36 PM
Everybody here has a momma or a sister. I refuse to keep lowering the integrity of this website, and TRUE fans of this site.
sammyc - 4/29/2009, 3:39 PM
this movie was terrible in most aspects. Continuity with the original story and not just the comics but even from the x - men movies was just terrible, scenes were dumb, acting not great at all(did like sabertooth tho cause i like that actor), some actors did not get enough screen time, this just looked like fox literally sat down and said " oh my god people like wolverine and fighting and explosions let make a movie with all that" it was just a bad film in nearly every aspect i felt bad watching it as it started reasonably well but then drastically went down hill plus the blob just looked terrible not even remotely realistic, they also ruined gambit character completely. Overall this movie gets a full blown 3/10.
(the special ending with wolverine playing the banjo on the moon was epic!!)
Betty - 4/29/2009, 4:19 PM
Iee nrefuse to nkeep lowering ne ntegrty huff nis site. Blah blah TRUE fans.

Yo Momma so fat, when I yell "Kool-Aid," she comes crashing through the wall.
loganaspatch - 4/29/2009, 4:30 PM
Betty your mama so dirty she dont say fight the power she says FIGHT THE SHOWER! ... dirty chick :)

another thing about this movie and the UNLIKELYHOOD of silverfox and emma frost being sisters is one is from boston the other one was born in canada :/

and how come they just didnt use the mastadon character instead of there version of the 'BLOB'

snikt - may 1st
TheMyth - 4/29/2009, 4:30 PM
LMFAO! BoyzIIMen was a daycare, [frick] you guys got some good ones.
SHHH - 4/29/2009, 4:30 PM
I used big words just for you
spideysweb - 4/29/2009, 4:33 PM
My 9year old son really wants to see this movie. Has anyone seen it and can you tell me if you would think this movie is appropriate for that age? Oh, and your momma is so fat, when she fell over and broke her leg, gravy poured out...LOL
SauronCorps - 4/29/2009, 5:06 PM
PLEASE!!can someone tell whats the aftercredits scene? i hope its not the one from the leaked version....
kabal316 - 4/29/2009, 5:24 PM
I'm all about the new "multiple ending" idea! Mel Gibson should re-issue "Passion of The Christ" with at least 3 different endings. One of them would take place thousands of years later w/ JC's second coming as...Rambo!
shibazz - 4/29/2009, 8:43 PM
@Kevin- yer moms so fat ... every time she wears yellow ,42 kids try to ride her to school. this movie is getting better!
loganaspatch - 4/29/2009, 10:14 PM
Shibazz your mom is so stupid she still puts her shoes on the wrong feet
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