X-men The Movie is an underrated film. In general I don't think there's as much respect for this film as there should be. I mean of course it can't compare to X2 or First Class, or Origins Wolverine, but it is still good and I enjoy it every time I pop it into my DVD player. For the most part I don't have too many complaints about this film. It did have its flaws, but in my opinion not too many. And after seeing X-Men First Class, so many things make sense, like Erik/Magneto's background. I always wondered what happened to him in that concentration camp. The characters and the actors/actresses who portrayed our beloved X-men were pretty spot on. My personal favorites in this film were Logan, Scott, and Storm, who happened to be my favorites in the classic X-men cartoon. The one thing I probably disliked most about this movie was their cheesy leather uniforms. Of course that was probably nothing in comparison to their comic book uniforms. I think I might have laughed if the blue and yellow suits were used in the movies, but I don't know maybe if their 'movie' suits had more color, it might've been better. Now, among the many X-men that appeared in this film, apart from Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart who both looked exactly like their comic counterparts, I was probably most impressed with Scott Summers. I mean, wow he looked exactly like he stepped out of the comics and that's rare. He just looked cool. I wish he did more as the team leader he's supposed to be, which is partially why I was hoping that First Class would have featured Scott, among other original X-men so he could at least attempt to be team leader, because in the X-men trilogy he did like none of that at all, then in X3 he died. He did however manage to take out Sabretooth and Magneto, so that I applaud. No complaints about Jean Grey. Storm, however I felt wasn't done justice. I expected a little more from Storm, though in X2 she did have some cool moments, which I'll get into in my review for X2. I liked that the Brotherhood was featured on film. Sabretooth, Mystique and Toad were the main guys from Magneto's team. So that was good. After viewing First Class, especially that opening scene, which I understand was redone to explain more about Erik's past, I finally understand his character and motivations to do what he does. He might have had good intentions, such as his plan to turn humans into mutants, knowing his people would never fit into regular society, but wiping out an entire race to preserve another is just wrong, I get that now. I am always torn between Erik and Charles whenever I watch First Class, but, in general there will always be two sides to the concept. X-men was a big movie. It was one of the first to appear on the big screen, two years before Spider-man, so in conclusion I think instead of ignoring the first X-film, not just because X2 was better, I just think X-men the movie should be praised for what it was and not immediately thrown under the dirt. It was excellent.