So far comic book movies have been hit-or miss. Some were awesome. Some were unwatchable. Where does Days of Future Past (DOFP) stand?
Good news, I didn't hate this movie! Some people, namely people under the age of ten, have called this "the bestest X-Men movie EVER"
"Bestest movie since last week"
It's not the best X-Men movie, that honour goes to X2: X-Men United, but this was better then First Class. IT's ambitious, and offers some great set pieces. I think in particular of the scenes set in the dystopic future, the final fight in both timelines as well as what's going on in the 70's is well done.
What was probably one of my biggest compliments was how they handled Magneto now obviously
*SPOILERS* but Magneto turns on Xavier and company in the past. It was handled well, and while Mystique is the macguffan in this film, it all leads to one awesome show of force from Magneto. While this is not my favourite X-Men movie, it's definitely the best protrayal of Magneto.
Now to what I didn't like, surprised? I didn't like that they shoved in not universe building, but universe repairing. This movie was very clearly setting the stage for something else. Obviously if you're on this site you know X-Men: Apocalypse is forthcoming, and while I'm excited, this felt more like a prelude to that then anything else. Yes, almost every comic book movie franchise leads from one film to the next, but it was so apparent to me that they felt the complusive desire to do this. It's not as bad as TASM2, where in that film it took too much away from the story, but unlike X2, which told an epic one-shot but lead into the (mishandled) Dark Phoenix Saga, this is too much housekeeping.
Oh, and for the record, Quicksilver is actually a fun addition #dealwithit
Speaking of which, despite my complaints, seeing all those cameos at the end by Cyclops, Beast, Rogue, Iceman, Kitty, Jean Grey, and Collosus was awesome. I don't know whether Apocalypse will follow the 73' Mutants or those in the present, but even if this was the last time we see those characters, it's a nice send off.
All in all, I liked this movie. If it weren't for all the housecleaning they had to do, it'd probably be the best, but hey, being pretty damn good works as well.
9 uncle joeys out of 10