Total Film recently conducted a Top fifty most disappointing movies list on their site. Several critically panned comic book movies made the list, including three in the Top ten. But, the film that came out on top was 2008's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Down below, check out Total Film's reasoning for putting the flick on top, and also, check out the comic book movies that made the Top 50 list!
Why People Were Excited: All the original ingredients were in place, including both Spielberg and Lucas, and while Harrison Ford was knocking on a bit, we were still hopeful he could roll out some "too old for this shit" patter to paper over the cracks. Plus, it's Indy! How bad could it be?
Why They Ended Up Disappointed: Hmm, where to start? First off, there was the over-reliance on some distinctly shoddy CGI. Then there was Ray Winstone shouting "JONESY" every five minutes. And of course we mustn't forget that risible nuclear fridge moment. But most unforgivable was the fact that the story simply wasn't up to scratch. Aliens? No thanks.
3. X-Men: The Last Stand
5. Spider-Man 3
8. Superman Returns
13. Green Lantern
15. Fantastic Four
19. Batman and Robin
22. Iron Man 2
28. Hulk
30. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
31. The Spirit
32. Catwoman
Also included on the list are
Godzilla from 1998,
Quantam of Solace,
The Matrix Revolutions,
Star Wars: Episode One - The Phantom Menace and of course much, much more; click
HERE to read the rest of the list!