Although many fans and critics might not agree, Harrison Ford wants to see more of Mutt and Marion in the next Indy movie. 2008's Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which, despite dividing those same fans and critics, earned $787 million globally. In a recent interview with MTV Ford said "George [Lucas] is working on an idea, and if it comes to a fruitful stage, all of us are very interested in making another." To refresh your memory, Indiana Jones marries Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) to bring the family unit back together with his long lost son Mutt (Shia LeBeouf). It seems this is the direction Harrison would like to see his iconic character go in:
"I think it would be interesting to advance the understanding of the character, as we always have had that ambition throughout the deepen the relationship between him and his son and play on that relationship. It's full of opportunity. The series is full of opportunity."
"I think [scenes with a married Indy and Marion] would be nice grace notes. We'll see what we come up with.
"Karen [Allen]'s a wonderful actress, I've always enjoyed working with her. I'm hoping that there'll be a part for all of us in the next one."

DogsOfWar-If the 67 year old actor wants to don the fedora again, I am ok with that. Just don't let George near the script again and it has a chance.