After a long 3 month hiatus, Warner Brothers Animation and Cartoon Network will be bringing in new episodes of the popular series Young Justice: Invasion and Green Lantern The Animated Series. Continuing it's second season, the 8th episode of Young Justice: Invasion will air on Saturday, September 29th @ 10:30 EST on Cartoon Network.
Continuing as Part II of the series' first 13 episode arc entitled "Rise of the Red Lanterns", the new episodes of Green Lantern TAS will also start on Saturday, September 29th but @ 10:00 EST on Cartoon Network.
I don't know how many of you have been following the news and spoilers regarding the Green Lantern series, but in the coming new episodes, we will be seeing a slew of new Green Lantern characters such as Guy Gardner, Tomar-Re, Ch'p, and the Anti-Monitor.
So just remember: New Episodes Start Saturday, September 29th-
Green Lantern TAS @ 10:00 am EST
Young Justice: Invasion @ 10:30 am EST, and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.