It would be an understatement actually to say that the first trailer for, Avengers: Age of Ultron was epic. But there are multiple stories shrowded in mystery as it's ultimately a teaser trailer. Everyone will have some sort of personal connection individually to Ultron. It'll really be Cap, 'ol Shellhead, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Ultron and Vision's story though if you ask me. But what of other characters? Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow? Well, I was recently thinking and I think I may have a possible theory on Hulk that'll not only run one possibility into the ground but also, what I've always thought the fate of a solo Hulk film would be.

As we see in the trailer, Bruce Banner is going through hell psychologically. Maybe he once had The Hulk under control and now he no longer does. I mean come on, when you face a threat of someone like Ultron that your best friend creates, it's going to cause a massive amount of stress. Not to mention someone as powerful as Scarlet Witch coming into the mix. I believe that Bruce Banners journey in the film would be that of, how long can he contain the beast before it loses it for good. Black Widow is his new cruch. She keeps him calm and sane. Without her at this point, if he unwillingly turns into The Hulk, everyone will be screwed. Tony and Bruce I believe will create the Hulkbuster armor in case Bruce ever loses it for good but, what would bring them to the point of fighting? Well, that's where my full theory comes into play. Tony creates Ultron and Bruce helps him create the Hulkbuster as a safe fail in case he loses it as I mentioned before. I do believe Scarlet Witch does get in Bruce's head but, I believe it's much deeper than that. I still stand by the POSSIBILITY that Black Widow will die. We get to finally know who she is in the film as well as her backstory and Hawkeye's. She will also have a complex relationship with Bruce Banner. I believe that at some point when Bruce is the Hulk, he kills her. YES! I believe that Bruce himself will be the one to kill Black Widow. Why does he fight The Hulkbuster? Well, Scarlet Witch invades his mind and not only makes him relive the guilt of losing Natasha but also, will ultimately blame Tony for the reason she's gone. Cue Hulkbuster fight.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and speculate how the fight between Hulk and Hulkbuster will go outside of what we've seen and how it will come to a hault. But, there's no denying that Hulk will ultimately be the victor and possibly be the one who nearly kills Tony. Which in turn will cause Tony to side with the government in the superhero registration act, it won't be just Ultron and Tony's guilt over creating the monster Ultron. It'll be him nearly killed by his science bro due to Black Widow's death. Hulk is a monster that no matter how hard anyone tries is never going to be controlled. Ultron and his army be the cause of Civil War? Sure, pretty obvious. But, Hulk isn't going to help matters for reasons stated. Hulk is said to play a pivitol role in Age of Ultron. Between his already internal struggle, Black Widow's death, Scarlet Witch, Ultron and Tony. He's not going to be shot into space. Hulk will be proof to the government and Tony that superheroes can't be on their own. They should be essentially a police force for the governement. Bruce by the end of this film I believe will have ran away and be on his own with as well as Thor on his own, Steve and Tony going head to head, etc. It'll be a somber note in which this film ends.
Avengers: Age of Ultron will no doubt be one of the most epic films ever made and could potentionally be the greatest superhero sequel ever made and be among the great sequels in cinema. The Winter Soldier changed the game for the MCU and before Cap 3 really shakes things up, Age of Ultron will bring the MCU to its knees. It's undeniably possible somber end, the team split up, Widow's death and Hulk's role in bringing Civil War and going on his own. While this theory could be a hundred percent wrong in every possible way, it could also be a hundred percent plausible. These are my thoughts. What are yours? Comment below.