Excuse me if i have grammar or spelling mistakes, i don’t live in an english speaking country. Also, MINOR SPOILERS for AVENGERS 2.
In the latest Marvel flick, the Avengers get back Loki’s scepter/mind gem and Tony Stark discovers that there’s some kind of artificial intelligence inside as if the staff was a computer and Ultron’s conscience was a program installed in it. Tony uses this for his peacekeeping force proyect: “Ultron”, whose purpose is to fights against potential alien attacks and to fight all the terrorists/villains of the world so there can be world peace. Of course, this conscience is too radical and interpretes that to obtain peace, you have to eliminate humanity.

The fun thing is: Tony didn’t create the A.I., he just found it in the scepter and activated it. We don’t know how it was born. Supossedly, it came from space because the staff is alien, but what if it didn’t? What’s also curious is that it refers to itself as Ultron (“Ultron?” “In the flesh!”) when “Ultron” is just the name of Tony’s proyect, not the name of the artificial intelligence found in the scepter. That A.I. was created by another unknown being and should probably have another name, but it has the same name. Why?
We know that Ant-Man will include flasbacks to the 60’s and Peggy Carter and Howard stark will show up alongside a young Hank Pym (the creator of Ultron in the comics) and maybe Janet Van Dyne/Wasp. A Wasp for the present day hasn’t been cast, so we can asume she’s divorced or dead (let’s asume the later). I say Hank can still be the creator of Ultron and that it killed the wasp. This is my alternative/theory:
Howard Stark wanted to create this super advanced robotic police force, so Hank, who was friends with him, created the A.I. for it. Howard built a robot with the 60’s technology and they implanted this artificial intelligence in it. They called the whole thing: Ultron. But we know the robot is too radical, so when it sees Hank hiting his wife (like he does in the comics), it asumes she’s a threat and kills her.
Hank deactivates it but Howard, who is a founder a shield, keeps it in shield computers until the present day. In 2012, shield gets control of the scepter after the New York battle and then after Hydra is revealed, Baron Strucker steals it. But how did Ultron get inside the staff?
Someone in shield (not Nick Fury or Maria Hill) realised it was the only way to contain it.
Strucker also stole Ultron and realised it was the only way to contain it.
Someone in SHIELD/HYDRA somehow connected it to it by mistake.
Tony Stark discovers his father’s notes about Ultron (not all of the story, of course, just the concept and the idea) and decides to try to resurrect the initiative. Then, he finds the A.I. that perfectly fits the proyect, and well, the rest is history.
If this were to happen it would have to be in Avengers Infinity War. I at least expect some explanation for Ultron’s creation, altough as i said, this article is just for fun, i’m not complaining that Ultron’s origin wasn’t explored. I just really like fan-fic. Although maybe his origin won’t be explained and it’s only that Joss Whedon couldn’t fit its story into Avengers 2 because then it would be to long. But my version would justify two things:
- Why Ultron calls himself Ultron (it just bothered me a bit)
- Why Tony Stark becomes obsesed again with potential alien attacks when at the end of Iron Man 3 he stops being obsesive and blows up all of his suits (which buged me a lot). The justification is that he wanted to honor his father and continue with the proyect.
This has been very fun to write so tell me your opinion on my alternative/theory because i would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading, I am BaronZemo.