AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR: Check Out The Awesome First Wave Of Official Character Posters
We've seen a lot of promo art for Avengers: Infinity War but Marvel has finally released some official character posters offering a new look at Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
What a day to be a Marvel fan! Shortly after announcing the impressive all-star cast of Captain Marvel, Marvel Studios has now unveiled the first character posters for Avengers: Infinity War. The five one-sheets each share a theme in the respect that they represent one of the five Infinity Stones (there's still no sign of the Soul Stone) and feature a variety of both Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Everyone from Captain America to Black Panther, Rocket Raccoon, Thor, and Spider-Man are given the spotlight here and there's no getting around the fact that every single one of these looks very cool.
The question is, do they tell us anything about the movie itself? Is there a reason these heroes have been pictured alongside each Infinity Stone or is it totally random? We'll find out next month! For now, all you have to do to check these out is click through the gallery below and then be sure to let us know your thoughts on this first wave of Avengers: Infinity War character posters in the usual place.

Space Stone: Here, we see Captain America and Bucky - two characters who have plenty of history with the Tesseract - alongside three strong female characters: Shuri, Nebula, and Mantis.
Reality Stone: Iron Man takes centre stage here and is joined by Doctor Strange, Wong, and Spider-Man, a trio of characters it appears he'll be spending quite a bit of this movie fighting alongside.
Time Stone: This poster takes us to Wakanda as Black Panther and Okoye are given the spotlight but Black Widow and The Hulk also make their presence felt which is appropriate given their romance.
Power Stone: The Guardians of the Galaxy - Star-Lord, Drax, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot - are pictured with the Power Stone (which seems right) as is their newest member (?), the God of Thunder.
The Mind Stone: This Stone resides on the forehead of The Vision, so it's no wonder the android is shown here with the Scarlet Witch. Joining them are fan-favourites War Machine and The Falcon.