Avengers: Infinity War is arguably the best movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it’s also up there with the best action movies of all time. With this, then, it comes as no surprise to find out a Marvel fan in the UK has watched the movie 100 times.
The fan in question is called Kieran Harvey, a 17-year-old who lives in Staffordshire, England. Interestingly enough, Harvey has seen Black Panther 30 times, and Deadpool 2 a whopping 20 times. But there must be a reason why he chose to watch Avengers 3 100 times.
“However Avengers just felt so different to anything I’ve ever seen before, and I just love it so much so have been going as much as I can,” according to a statement from Harvey.
“As soon as the trailer was released I thought, ‘I’m going to watch this a hell of a lot,’ but I just thought I’d reach 40, maybe pushing 50, but here we are at 100, and it’s crazy.”
How is he able to watch movies so often?
It doesn’t appear as if Harvey is a young man with a lot of money to waste. Apparently, he’s the owner of a special limitless movie card that allows him to watch films multiple times without any cost to his pocket.
Harvey also makes it a habit to visit the theater on a daily basis. He added that so far this year, he has missed just three days of viewing, which is quite small since we’re now in the sixth month of the year.
We should point out that it took Harvey 44 days to watch Avengers: Infinity War 100 times.
There’s a good chance no one will ever break this record of watching a single film 100 times in 44 days. It’s not an easy task, especially for us folks who have a lot of work to do. But that doesn’t mean it cannot be done by someone who's determined enough.