Vin Diesel, who provides the voice of Groot in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has uploaded a new video from the set of Marvel’s
Avengers: Infinity War. In the video, the actor shares how excited he is to be working on the Marvel blockbuster alongside director Joe Russo, who also pops up in the frame.
“We're here and we're creating magic and it's very, very exciting. What I'm seeing is gonna drive you guys crazy,” Vin Diesel teases. The actor goes on to explain how
“lucky” he is to have his own Groot script that no one but him gets to see, which provides him with th
e “true lines behind every little thing that I do.”
Diesel goes on to point out that Groot is unlike any other character in the MCU in that we get to watch his evolution play out on screen. Groot started out fully grown, but reverted back to a child in
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. In
Avengers: Infinity War we will see him in his adolescent years.
"You're gonna see a different Groot," Diesel says.
"One that's going through the teenage years and we all know what that's like.”
Diesel closes out the video:
“We’re having a blast. When you see Avengers: Infinity War, you’ll know what we’re talking about. It’s exciting. The Russo Brothers are killing it. I’m really excited about this. And Marvel, man, you guys never let us down.”
Check out the full behind-the-scenes video with Vin Diesel and Joe Russo below.
Avengers: Infinity War opens in theaters April 27, 2018.