AVENGERS: ENDGAME Gets A Surprisingly Impassioned Defense From Singer And Talk Show Host Kelly Clarkson

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Gets A Surprisingly Impassioned Defense From Singer And Talk Show Host Kelly Clarkson

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The Portals Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact
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AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The "Portals" Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

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HopeVanDAUMNN - 6/28/2019, 10:03 AM
This "re-release" sounds like a total, shameless cash grab & a late marketing ploy for Far From Home, but the film itself is so excellent that I'm going at least once more.
DoubleD - 6/28/2019, 10:39 AM
@HopeVanDAUMNN - Only to people who don't want Marvel Studios holding the number 1 box office spot over Avatar. How many times did they re-release Avatar ?

Marvel Studios must fail right ?
CorndogBurglar - 6/28/2019, 10:40 AM
@HopeVanDAUMNN - I don't personally think they care about being a cash-grab. If that were the case they would have done it with Infinity War and other films too.

I think this all comes down to wanting to beat Avatar for the #1 spot.
whynot - 6/28/2019, 11:01 AM
@CorndogBurglar - loves endgame but it only made this much bc of avatar. I don’t see this as a win to be honest. Avatar was far beyond titanic and people still went to see it. At this point fanboys are only seeing it to beat a record that is meaningless because Gone with the wind still holds that title and then some. That being said avatar was dumb and should have never made that much. But I would have rather a movie like Infinity war to have been #1 unadjusted. I don’t see endgame getting it anyway 40 million is a lot to make for a weekend or two.
Thing94 - 6/28/2019, 10:08 AM
The deleted scene is Hulk playing Hulk Ultimate Destruction on the original X-Box.
knocturnalzen10 - 6/28/2019, 10:09 AM
Okoye did kill Corvus Glaive pretty swift tho
gulducati - 6/28/2019, 10:55 AM
@knocturnalzen10 - He was totally cocky. Thought there was no way this human could take him out, just like he was taken out quickly by Widow at the beginning of Infinity War.
knocturnalzen10 - 6/28/2019, 11:22 AM
@gulducati - to be fair in the time he was technically jumped but yea i get what you mean , cause he counter-attack was poetry .
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 6/28/2019, 10:11 AM
Why they crop out Ant-Man's head like that?
gulducati - 6/28/2019, 10:56 AM
@THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - To show how insanely massive he is. "Breaking frame" is a framing technique in movies to show something is so insanely massive that it cannot be contained in view. JJ Abrams did the same thing in 2009 Star Trek when we first see the new Enterprise, it actually gets cut off intentionally to show how massive it is.
Kevwebsz - 6/28/2019, 10:11 AM
Can't they save the re-release for Christmas?
Why re-release it now when it hasn't even left theaters yet?
HopeVanDAUMNN - 6/28/2019, 10:14 AM
@Kevwebsz - It will be available on Disney+ by then.
Mrcool210 - 6/28/2019, 10:13 AM
That thumbnail really makes it look like Hawkeye and widow are connected romantically.

The thing people thought was the case in avengers before Wheadon was like "No...hulk makes more sense."

Yeah still not a fan of that plot point.
connorblaze - 6/28/2019, 10:27 AM
Endgame was incredible and the Russos are fantastic emotional storytellers. I only ever cry for the Green Mile and the look Downey gives straight to his little one when he says ‘love you 3000’ has me ballin like a babyman.

Really wish they were better with visuals though. Like the special effects and costumes were great this time around (Prof Hulk didn’t get his due, the effects were flawless and probably the most impressive I’ve seen from Marvel outside their deaging). But they really wasted the opportunity for great group shots in the final battle. Think of how many fantastic actors and heroes are all together there and that’s the best group shot they could manage? Sorry but it’s shit and a big waste.

Also would have liked to see a more impressive tracking shot through the big battle similar to the one from the first and second Avengers films. Something clearer and better looking. I found the end battle to be a bit messy and ugly, and the fighting outside of Cap and Thor to lack that Russo choreography grandeur. Thrilling regardless, but yeah.
CorndogBurglar - 6/28/2019, 10:28 AM
If it were Infinity War I would go see it again in a heartbeat. I just wasn't as impressed with Endgame as most. It was good. Still in my top 10 superhero films. But a lot didnxt sit well with me. I feel like it could have been better.
MyCoolYoung - 6/28/2019, 11:53 AM
@CorndogBurglar - I feel the exact same way. I've had mixed emotions about it. After seeing it(like literally the same day) , it wasn't in my top 5 then once it sat on my mind I started getting somewhat emotional and It shot up, but now it's back outside my top 5.
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