Here, I will not only rank the MCU but I will also put the movies best moment with it. First up....
Iron Man 2
It's got action, humor, and..... War Machine? I really enjoyed the movie and feel it's no less than good but, it's really hard trying to come up with pluses for the movie because it's so messy and it's just not easy to pick out a good moment in the entire movie. Ya know? I might've contradicted myself by saying that I think it's no less than good but, can't find a bright spot. Here is, what I think the best part of the movie is
Pretty sad, isn't it? Moving on.
The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk has great pacing as well as great but simple story, good acting and even though it's not exactly two hours, it's got a good balance of action and story. So why so low? I feel the higher ranked ones did it better. As for best moment
This is just a clip of it but, great music mixed with awesome action and a good dramatic scene where Hulk is momentarily down and out makes it all the more worth it.
Iron Man 3

The humor... if it wasn't for so much of the unnecessary humor. It really killed the movie for me. I thought it was a great start to Phase Two and even though I didn't get the action-comedy feel that most did, I do see where the complaints about too much humor or humor at unnecessary times comes from. However, good character development (outside of Killian), great action as always and the best dramatic performances and scenes to date, I think Iron Man 3 in the drama department is the start of proof (if you didn't see the proof in Captain America: The First Avenger) that Marvel can do dramatic scenes and is not just all action as many make it out to be. I have a feeling this will be continued in Thor: The Dark World and particularly Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I also feel that, the overall tone of the movie is dark despite all the humor in the movie. The dark tone doesn't have to be so obvious as in Spider-Man 3 and The Dark Knight trilogy. Plus, The Mandarin from the comics would never have worked on screen unless they wanted Iron Man 3 to suck, he would've came off cartoony and just terrible. Not in a good way either. Anyways, best moment is
The music and Robert Downey's performance in this scene in particular is proof that Marvel can do very dramatic scenes and pull the heart strings. Call me whatever you like, I nearly teared up when Pepper fell and Tony started to well up.
Again, a lot of people have a problem with Thor. I'll admit, I was never much aware of who he was and what he was like except for the very basic, basics. Thor being on earth the majority of the movie gave him humility, makes him value life and makes him human. It gives him emotion and feeling despite the rushed romance. It doesn't have the best action sequences but, the story and the dramatic scenes really help the movie out as well as they use the right amount of humor in the movie that is necessary for a god to be a human on earth. Have some fun with it, ya know? Best moment is
What was that? Marvel is style over substance? I don't think so. Loki's parentage reveal in Thor is one of the most sympathetic and heart pulling scenes in the Marvel Universe and in comicbook movies in general. I almost picked the scene where Thor tries to pull Mjolnir out of the ground but, I felt this was a stronger more dramatic scene.
Iron Man
The movie that started it all. Fantastic acting (praise as always to, RDJ), great action sequences, perfectly timed humor and great pacing helps make this movie as a whole succeed in such a big way despite a B-grade character. Who knew that five years later we would have a full cinematic universe that in reality, is just getting started, an Avengers movie and three Iron Man movies? We kind of saw it coming but at the same time, who knew it would be a reality? We was only able to hope and pray. Tony's story is told but, we are still getting him for Avengers 2 and 3. Don't you just love 'ol shellhead? Best moment
Is there a disagreement with this moment? I personally wouldn't think so.
Captain America: The First Avenger
The best acting, romance, pacing and it has the most heart. For once, we're rooting for the initial character instead of the hero. Can you say the same in the other superhero movies? Personally, I can't. That's what makes the Captain America movie (soon to be movies) so great and so special, you're always rooting for the Steve Rogers character and you care about Steve Rogers, not Captain America. It's done so perfectly. Best moment? Well, that's easy as hell.
If I did a list of the best dramatic, heart tugging scenes in comicbook movies so far, this and Pepper falling would be tied. Maybe this would have a slight edge. It's heart breaking cause you love the romance between Steve and Peggy.
Marvel's The Avengers
I'm sure everyone saw this coming. Why people expected this to be a deeper comicbook movie, I have no idea. You need a basic premise that works for the movie that it could benefit from. Everything else is how well they get along, what it would be like if all these people were in the same room together, ect. It really pays off too. I think the development of them as a team was great (Coulson needs to die already!) and obviously the action scenes are the best of any comicbook movie. Which, that's another thing going for it. It feels like what it actually is, it embraces the fact it's a COMICBOOK movie. It's fun, action packed, filled with heart and humor. This movie blends everything together. It's the best in my opinion.
What else would be the best moment? Thanos as the closer of The Avengers story in their debut film is perfect. I just have a couple requests though: Black Panther and Warbird (sounds better than Ms.Marvel) for Avengers 2 instead of Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver and somehow make Taskmaster the main villain for Avengers 2. I think it would be epic if you had those three in the movie. Also, I don't really want to see them fight another god/alien.
That's me. What about you? Comment below and here's Redemption by Redlight King if you choose to listen to it.
Most anticipated Phase Two movie(s) are: The Avengers 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier