After his initial run-in with a deadite infested New York City and a zombified Wolverine, Ash suddenly finds himself transported to a whole new dimension...
"Ash vs. The DC Dead" is an independently produced, action packed parody-sequel to the fanfilm hit "Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness", and is neither endorsed by or affiliated with DC, Marvel, or the "Evil Dead" franchise. The full short will be released for free on our YouTube channel later this summer. Written/Directed/Edited by Brian Rosenthal.
CAST: ASH WILLIAMS - David VonHippchen GWEN STACY - Lindsay Croucher GREEN ARROW - Joshua Borcyk LOBO - Derek Russo BATMAN - Kolin Roberts GREEN LANTERN - Erik Bello
And in case you missed it the first time around, here's Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness.