Christopher Nolan as we all know likes to incorporate realism into his comic book movies. It’s safe to say that at least the majority of fans have responded positively to bringing in realistic villains accompanied by plausible story lines. This leads me to the evolution of the bat gadgets. In Batman Begins, Nolan introduced Lucius Fox to the big screen as a scientist that help Bruce Wayne become Batman. He offers a protective suit, grappling gun, and the tumbler as all parts of the equation to make an audience believe that an ordinary human can become a hero by using technology. All of the gadgets introduced so far have become a namesake for the Batman trilogy to the point of the History channel having an hour long documentary discussing these gadgets.
Leading up to the next big installment we should pause to discuss the next gadgets we would like to see Batman use. With the departed Lucius Fox leaving Wayne Enterprises, it is safe to assume that Bruce will be responsible for any new devices. As we all know, batman is supposed to be the best detective in the world which leads me to think that his gadgets may become simpler than ever before. No longer will he have the innovation of bat sonar or radiated bills, but may go back to the basics. Perhaps a simple lock picking set hidden in his gloves or a small battery powered saw could help save the day. Personally, I’d like to see the bat lasso, one that can provide an electric shock by remote. How about technology readily available to the public like a modified GPS to track Selina Kyle or a small camera to capture some quick information. What would you like to see?
In my opinion, after the death of Rachael and with the police man-hunt on, their will be some time between TDK and TDKR. What will batman be doing during this time? I like to think that we will be getting a better look at an improved batcave, one with many costumes that Bruce has been preparing. I always remembered as a kid the secret door leading to the cave. It was like a secret fort that captures a youth. What method would you like to see how Bruce gains access to the cave? Move a book? Button on a statue of Shakespeare? Play a few notes on the piano?
And during this time, what type of new batmobile will we see? A sleeker version maybe? Will we get a bat plane, or boat? A concept car by Lamborghini called Ankonian could provide as basis for a new model.

With that in mind, we can only speculate and wait in anticipation to see what the new movie offers. Until then, how about suggesting some ideas in the comments section of this article. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?