Out promoting his latest thriller, the WWII epic Dunkirk, director Christopher Nolan revealed that he's seen Wonder Woman and loved the Patty Jenkins-directed pic but he's happy to be on the sidelines of the DCEU and the superhero genre in general.
"I mean, I watch the films. I enjoy films very much as a moviegoer these days. I spent 10 years of my life dealing with one of the greatest characters in popular fiction. It was a great honor and a privilege to work with that, but there’s a time to pass it on to new people."
In fact, the current discussion seems to be whether Nolan will ever helm a 007 film, something the Batman Begins director previously expressed interest in long ago- however, he's recently disclosed that he's only interested if he can "reinvent the franchise."
Although Nolan is listed as a producer on Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, he had relatively very little to do with either film. Unless something inexplicable occurs, don't expect to see Nolan tackling another superhero anytime soon.