Blüdhaven, late november 2020. A cold wind rises from the north as a blood red sky fades into darkness. An alarm system goes off as we catch a glympse of a silhouette leaping towards it from the rooftops. Upon arriving at the scene in the alley way next to the building in question, the figure halts in it’s tracks on a near fire escape in a spot of light the early moon had cast. Nightwing frosen in awe yet at the ready seems ashtonished to find a silhouette, other than his, leaning against the building in the shadows provided by the deep alley. “Took you long enough” he said. “The police practically caught me themselves” as we hear the sirens from afar. “Think fast son!” As he shoots a bullet in a tragectory that isn’t supposed to reach it’s target yet sure enough, it ricochets off the fire escape ladder hitting him right in the shoulder making the ladder go down! From the impact of the shot and the excruciating pain he slips on a thin layer of snow and falls right on his back in the alley way. Before passing out his vision blurs and the silhouette is nowhere to be found as the sirens make themselves heard louder and louder.
“Wake up… DICK!!!”, “That’s enough Helena!” Dick slowly comes to, blinded by the sealing light. “Slipped on a banana peal?”, “Leave us alone Helena! You didn’t do any better last week!”. “Whatever, wheels…” slaming the door. “AAAAOOOWWW!!! What’s with all the racket Barb?!?!”, “Oh the usual, how are you feeling?”. “Remember when we were partners, and i used to hammer the shit out of ketchup packs to kill time?”, “Yeah…”, “Well I feel like my head is the odd one that didn’t blew up in our faces and just took the punishment!”. “Well pain is your best friend.”, “Oh don’t give me that G.I. Jane crap!”. “Alright, alright, do you have any idea of who it was? Kinda pulled the same number on Helena only she got a bit more lucky than you.”. “No, it was too dark and I was caught off guard.”, “Caught off guard? Do you have any idea what Bruce would say if he heard that?”, “Barb, I’m in enough pain as it is.”. “Well you’re gonna have to go see him anyways, apparently it happened to Tim as well.” ,”Really, man who is this guy?”, “It was a guy?!”
Wayne Mansion, sometime after lunch. Dick rings the door bell as a young Tim Drake opens the door with a crutch under his right arm. “You rang?”, “Move aside Lurch.”, “Way I see it, I’ve got just as much of a chance to move you aside Dick.”, “Funny, where’s your daddy?”, “Good one, well his majesty’s in the basement of course. Playing with his new toy.”, “Out with the old already? Man, I had bet another year in the pool!”, “Don’t push it.” Enter the batcave, walking down the steps. “Got beaten by your girlfriend again Timmy?”, “You’re one to talk.”, “Well I’m not the least bit surprised, you always had a thing for girls that can kick your ass. Spoiler ring any bells?”, “Helena ring any of yours? At least my girlfriend’s not the one saving my ass.”, “Touché master Drake, touché.” As scufling sounds are heard from affar. “So how exactly did it happen for you Tim?”, “Well I was ambushed.”, “Dude, don’t use that word out loud, Bruce will hear you!”, “Yeah I know but still, it’s what happenned. I was doing my rounds and heard a woman calling for help in a dark alley. When I arrived, there was no woman in sight, just the silhouette of a man leaning against the wall, waiting for me. Before I could think of moving, he got a shot off and got me right in the leg. It’s either he was a bad shot or he did exactly what he meant to. Anyhoo, when I got back up, he had vanished. No sound, no trace.”, “Hmmm…”. “And how exactly did it happen to you, do tell.”, “Oh just…slipped on a banana peal.”, “Riiiiiiiiight.” As we clearly hear two people fighting in the room around the corner. The sounds are getting louder, thuds are felt through vibrations in the floor, hits are heard, bones are cracked, breathing seams heavy, fabric is torn. A brief interlude installs silence for a moment, a commanding deep voice shatters the silence “AGAIN!” as the fighting continues.
Enter the training room as we see Bruce Wayne and Cassandra Cain fighting together in training gear, intensely, savagely yet precisely, battling like their lives depended on the outcome. “Man, I could watch her train all day…”, “Yeah, she is pretty genuine. Are you… falling for her? Could it be? Master Drake has a new crush?”, “…shut up.”. “Dick! What brings you hear?”, “Hi Bruce, sorry to interrupt.”, “Oh think nothing of it, it gives Cassandra a chance to catch her breath.”, “Riiiiight…, well can I speak to you in private for a moment?”, “Eh… yeah, follow me”. As Bruce and Dick leave the room “You know Cassy, you’re lucky my leg is in a cast. I would totally own you.” Tim having a smirk on his face. Cassandra quickly jabs Tim, pulling her punch an eighth of an inch from his face making Tim fall on his rear. As she leaves the room we see Tim sigh, blushing, smiling from ear to ear saying “She wants me.”
Enter the living room, Dick waits for Bruce watching TV as we hear the news bulletin “An eighteen wheeler was hijacked at the docks last night which was destined to bring it’s shipment to Wayne Enterprises. Media relations at Wayne Enterprises say the content was of none or little value. However “logical reasoning” makes us remain sceptical. Commissioner Gordon has not commented yet on if an investigation will be held in the matter. Police officers on scene seemed puzzled by this riddle. Sources say that the shipping invoice was the only thing left at the scene and had nothing but a big question mark on it, however it has mysteriously disappeared. On related news, multi-billionaire Bruce Wayne will be attending the facilities inauguration of entrepreneur and philanthropist Slade Wilson’s own Death Stroke Foundation, a research facility that will work on finding technological alternatives to medicine in preventing heart failures. His foundation’s “hands on” direction will be handed down to his sons and daughter as he will remain chairman. Bruce Wayne being the main contributor will be the one to cut the ribbon in officialising the opening of Mr. Wilson’s facility.”. ”Yes Dick, what’s on your mind?” as Bruce comes in the room buttoning his shirt’s sleeve, “My condition’s not obvious enough for you?”, “Paper cut?”, “Not quite. Same M.O. as Tim’s assailant.”, “I heard he’s quite the shot.”, “Apparently…any leads?”, “Not yet, I guess I’ll have to pay a little visit to my friend down in Chinatown.”, “Shiva’s not going to help you, why should she?”, “I’m not going to give her the choice.”, “Well I’d watch your back if I were you, this guy seems to want to take us out of commission one at a time. And he also seems to know where we’re located as well. Something’s fishy though…”, “Do tell.”, “Well Oracle seemed surprised in hearing that my assailant was a male.”, “And you didn’t think to ask why? What, did you just fall off the detective band wagon yesterday?”, “Well you know how secretive Barb is, she would’ve just brushed me off.”, “Well then I guess this calls for a family meeting.”, “Alright, I’ll relay the message. Same bat time, same bat channel?”, “…yeah.”, “Let me know what you find out.”, “I’ll keep you posted.” as Dick leaves the room.
End introduction.
Although Batman has been portrayed brilliantly twice by Christian Bale, his version of Bruce Wayne has let me unsatisfied. Also since Nolan wouldn’t go with this storyline, it also means that the door’s wide open for another actor that would probably be more fitting to the differences in the character. And since it’s my fan site and I’ll choose who I want to, I also feel that Batman’s character should have more of a “father figure’s” commanding presence in this storyline. Now the actor that I find would be perfect for this specific role, has proven on so many occasions that he has the dark mysterious look and the deep voice required for Batman’s half and yet he also pulls off the charming hotshot billionaire attitude required for Bruce Wayne’s half of the character. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Heroes’ own Nathan Pitrelli… Adrian Pasdar as Batman!!!
Now I know this pick is going to have fans practically breaking dishes at home but since the whole debate on who is the best Superman, I’ve been looking at a lot of pictures of him amongst others and I don’t know if it’s the hair cut, the look or the build but this actor just yells out Dick Grayson at me as if it was begging for it! He has proven to have what it takes for an important but supporting role and fits more than perfectly the requirements for this character. I give you… Tom Welling as Nightwing!!!
This next actress is phenomenal and breathtaking. She was my favourite pick for if they had decided to make a live “Mask of the Phantasm” feature film as Andrea Beaumont, one of Bruce’s past love interest who turns to revenge after her family’s brutally murdered at the hands of the mob. She becomes a relentless killer as the Phantasm to avenge her family. Now this actress also fits perfectly Oracle’s profile as well as she looks to be around the same age as Tom Welling to make the “relationship connection” concretely believable. One of her best performances will always be in “The Note Book” and in my opinion would bring great depth to Barbara Gordon’s role even though she’s primarily seen in her wheel chair as a background character. I give you… Rachel McAdams as Oracle!!!
Now this pick was brought to my attention by my friend Joslezio85. His choice of actress I find would be perfect for the role. She has the looks and not to mention the attitude needed for this hot headed character. Now my favourite version of this character will always be Helena Kyle as Bruce and Selena’s daughter. It just offers more depth and character development than the latest version which I feel has already been done to death. Not to mention it is a perfect tie in for Catwoman. I give you… Mila Kunis as Huntress!!!
This next role’s a tough one to pick. So many have the talent to do it justice however I always have to go with my gut feeling and detect who has the correct “vibe” for the character. Now you have to take in consideration the fact that this one is young and is still learning the ropes so to speak. He was already rumoured to be Dick Grayson however, I think he fit’s Tim Drake’s profile better. At first I thought he would make a mockery of the character for not being fit enough but since in this case he would have to be a bit more scrawny than Nightwing, I think he’d be the perfect choice as a young and impetuous side kick trying to live up to his predecessor. I give you… Shia LaBeouf as Robin!!!
Now this is my favourite character of the whole “bat” universe!!! And I couldn’t in good conscience pick any other actress as she already was the perfect incarnation of this mute assassin’s daughter in Sin City as Miho. She has the look, the talent and not to mention the highly demanding physical abilities needed to play this role. In short she IS Cassandra Cain! I give you… Devon Aoki as Batgirl!!!
The next pick came from my good friend IonParalax who contacted me not too long ago. Him and I share this monumental fondness of this actor and would love for him to be immortalised in a comic book movie. His looks and age are undisputed as the best possible choice for this role not to mention that his talent would bring light to this underrated character. Of course his physical “meta human” prowess behind the mask will have to be handled by someone like Ray Park but he has proven that he has the range as an actor to be this captivating individual all while being a merciless killer without a conscience. Yet again I give you “Heroes’” own… Malcolm McDowell as Deathstroke the Terminator!!!
This next one was also an easy pick since she has proven to have the look, the commanding presence as well as the high and mighty attitude required for this role in her under-scripted version of Lady Death Strike in X2: X-men United. She also has more than enough physical abilities to pull off this character. I give you… Kelly Hu as Lady Shiva!!!
And last but not least, the mind behind the mystery, the most anticipated antagonist to continue The Dark Knight’s storyline can only be truly played by the ever so talented actor that even showed interest in the role. Now my favourite version of this character will always be the one in the animated series entitled “The Batman”. His dark and conscienceless version is way more appealing to me than the clown he’s always been portrayed in any other adaptation of him. Not to mention that it fits perfectly along the lines of this actor’s commonly known abilities even though he is one of the most versatile actors in the business. I give you… Johnny Depp as The Riddler!!!
T'is "The Shaman's" tale!