JOKER: FOLIE À DEUX Lady Gaga Reveals Very Different Harley Quinn's New Name In Upcoming Sequel

JOKER: FOLIE À DEUX Lady Gaga Reveals "Very Different" Harley Quinn's New Name In Upcoming Sequel

JOKER: FOLIE À DEUX Star Lady Gaga On Her New Take On Harley Quinn: I've Never Done Anything Like [This]
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GhostDog - 11/20/2019, 8:24 AM
Nebula - 11/20/2019, 8:26 AM
If you didn't know what was going on, that would just about be the most terrifying thing you could look out of your window to see.
Lanza10 - 11/20/2019, 8:28 AM
An idiot dressed as a clown dancing by himself is iconic? Jesus Christ, now I understand why as a species we are doomed.
regularmovieguy - 11/20/2019, 9:36 AM

Whether you like it or not - it is an iconic scene. The stairs themselves have been a touristy hotspot.

Not to mention the scene itself was awesome.
JonAwesome - 11/20/2019, 8:29 AM
I think it would be amazing to see him take on a Mr Freeze origin story!
L0RDbuckethead - 11/20/2019, 9:58 AM
@JonAwesome - I'm betting whilst it would be good, it would be VASTLY different from the comics. I doubt we'd get the full Nora Fries story.

I'd be down for it tho. Maybe even throw in an Arnold cameo for old times sake?
Battabing - 11/20/2019, 9:39 AM
That staircase has become a tourist attraction.
WackyBantha - 11/20/2019, 11:48 PM
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