Beneath the vast estate of Wayne Manor, millionaire industrialist Bruce Wayne transforms into his crime-fighting alter ego, and descends an iron staircase inhabited by bats into the hidden sanctuary of the Batcave. Crafted in 1:4 scale, this dynamic sculpture captures actor Michael Keaton's quintessential portrayal of Batman, featuring a stunning portrait likeness, iconic screen-accurate costume with bat symbol, utility belt and fabric cape. Gotham City's last hope rests with the dark vigilante, as he prepares to dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight...
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In the summer of 1989, Bat-fever took the public by storm with the highly anticipated release of the Warner Bros. film, Batman. Directed by Tim Burton, the new production had taken some groundbreaking risks, with visionary art direction, musical score, but perhaps most famously, with its casting.
As had been the case with Richard Donner’s Superman in 1978, many of Hollywood’s best actors were considered for the leading role of the Caped Crusader. But when the final decision to cast Michael Keaton as Batman was announced, it caused a torrential uproar of controversy. The studio received tens of thousands of protest letters from fans criticizing Keaton’s abilities, citing his previous quirky performances in comedies and the fact that he lacked the tall, muscular physique often attributed to the character in the comic books.
Fortunately, producer Jon Peters and director Tim Burton saw something in Keaton that others could not. Peters claimed that he had the right “edgy, tormented quality.” Having worked together the previous year on Beetlejuice, Burton agreed, declaring Keaton the only actor who could portray the kind of dark, obsessive personality Batman’s character demands.
The dramatic and serious tone was exactly what distinguished Tim Burton’s portrayal of Gotham City’s greatest superhero. Ultimately, Michael Keaton’s gripping performance earned widespread acclaim from critics and audiences alike, and Batman became one of the most successful films of the year. “I want you to tell all your friends about me… I’m Batman.”