As I look at many of the comments surrounding certain characters,especially HUSH, I find myself about to stand up for them. First off all, I don't believe ANY of the Batman villains in Chris Nolan's Batman have had the same ORIGIN as in the COMICS. So all you fan-boys that say their is not enough movie for Hush you are wrong!
I can guarantee you the villains in the Dark Knight Rises will not have comic book origins. They never had, but of course they may be similar. To be honest we can have any character we want, with any origin we want. So, not all hopes for some characters are lost. So never say again their is not enough movie, because you are wrong. So in the end if you use the fact "Not enough time" you are wrong, Nolan does what he wants. So yes, any villain is possible. Sorry this was a short article, I just wanted to point this out.