THE BATMAN: Zoe Kravitz Says They'll "Have To Make The Cat Suit Bigger" Once Production Resumes

THE BATMAN: Zoe Kravitz Says They'll "Have To Make The Cat Suit Bigger" Once Production Resumes

With production on The Batman halted, Zoe Kravitz is maintaining her training regime from home, but says she joked to director Matt Reeves that he'll have to make her Cat-suit bigger once work resumes...

By MarkCassidy - Apr 23, 2020 10:04 AM EST
Filed Under: The Batman

Zoe Kravitz (Big Little Lies, High Fidelity) has previously outlined her intense training regime to prepare for the role of Catwoman in Matt Reeves' The Batman, and now that production on the movie has temporarily shut down, the actress is doing her best to maintain her strict schedule while in quarantine.

Kravitz was asked what she could share about The Batman and her role as Selina Kyle during an interview with Vanity Fair and, not too surprisingly, had to refrain from spilling any juicy details. She did reveal that her Catwoman preparation continues with the help of a virtual trainer, however.

"So I mean, it's not like the studio called and said, "Don't get fat, bitch." But I had been training now for maybe four or five months and the first couple weeks that I self quarantined, I remember texting the director, I texted Matt and I was like, ‘We might have to make the cat suit a few sizes bigger when this is over.’

Kravitz says she then decided to commit to a new five-day training schedule, and is enjoying being able to leave her weekends free to indulge in "food, wine and weed."

"It's actually been really great just for my mental health. And kind of foods, kind of the only thing that I have, food and wine bringing me joy right now. So I'm definitely eating whatever the [frick] I want. But yeah, try to stay in decent shape so I don't have to start from scratch."

We recently found out that The Batman will now open on October 1, 2021, moving back from its original June 2021 release date. The film will also star Robert Pattinson as The Dark Knight, Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon, Paul Dano as The Riddler, Colin Farrell as The Penguin, and Andy Serkis as Alfred.

Are you looking forward to Kravitz's take on Catwoman? Drop us a comment in the usual place.

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TheUnworthyThor - 4/23/2020, 10:10 AM
WakandanQueen - 4/23/2020, 10:11 AM
Can I be her wife already
newhire13 - 4/23/2020, 11:17 AM
@WakandanQueen - She is so damn fly. Even her mom still has it. Bless those genetics
kylo0607 - 4/23/2020, 10:13 AM
Yeah, I am sure she will look horrible in her bikini now...

IronGenesis - 4/23/2020, 10:13 AM
It would be refreshing to see the bat and cat lite up a nice fat joint after going at it.
NinnesMBC - 4/23/2020, 10:14 AM
I wonder how her costume will fare compared to the ones Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway wore.
Himura - 4/23/2020, 10:23 AM
@NinnesMBC - how can you not mention the great Halle Berry’s costume?
TheRationalNerd - 4/23/2020, 10:17 AM
A little weight wont hurt.
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