Fellow Members of CBM,
Last night our fellow citizen, our hobby, our passion, our security came under attack in a gruesome and deliberate and deadly act of terror. The victims were in a movie theater,--business men and woman, military members, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, grandparents, friends and neighbors. Lives were suddenly ended by evil and despicable acts of violence. The pictures of tear gas, bullets and people screaming have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and quiet unyielding anger.
This act of mass murder were intended to frighten us into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. We are strong. A great number of people has been moved to defend something that many have spent their entire lives creating, working for and loving.
This attack can shake the foundations of what we hold very dear, but they cannot touch the foundations of which the character of the Dark Knight, Superman, and countless others were founded. They may have destroyed the cinematic debut of The Dark Knight Rises but they cannot dent the passion and resolve of our passion and love for Comic Book Movies.
The movie goers that attended the premier of The Dark Knight Rises was targeted because like so many other superhero movies they restore and instill hope, freedom and desire for good to overcome evil, regardless the cost. Those hopes will never be destroyed because we are the strongest of the strong and no one will stop good from overcoming evil.
Last night our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature, and we will respond with the best of our great planet. We are powerful together and more powerful than any one man who is the epitome of evil.
Our first priority to make sure that these attacks cannot and will not be tolerated and to take every precaution to protect our neighbors and friends around the world from further attacks.
Our desires to see this movie and to stand up for what is right and just must continue without interruption. We must continue the passion of hope and desire for a utopian society. I am going to volunteer as much of my resources as possible to create what I would like to call the “Dark Knight Rises” mourning band. I, personally, do not have the resources to create or even know where to begin to do this, so I am calling to action all of you who have the skills and understanding to create such a band. Like I said, I will finance these and hope to use the income to dedicate to the families of those who lost a loved one or were hurt in this travesty.
I appreciate so very much those of you who have joined me in strongly condemning this attacks. And on behalf of the all of us who have only strengthened our resolve, I thank the many of you who will forward this or copy it to increase awareness and more so to those of you who will assist me in this effort.
Regardless of CBM loyalty, country, or other affiliation, please join me with all those who want peace and security and let us stand together to make sure this atrocity never happens again.
Today I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children who’s worlds have been shattered, for all those whose sense of safety and security has been threatened.
My fellow CBMers, I beg and plead with you for your help. I ask that we come together to show how truly strong we are, by creating a TDKR black arm band that will unify us to show that we are NOT scared and we will NOT be threatened into hiding. I am asking those of you who have graphics artists skills to put together a design for the arm band much like the death of superman armband in the picture attached. I ask any of you who have the wherewithal to actually put these into production please reach out to me and let’s work together. As I stated earlier, I will finance as much as I can, because I personally lack the skills but believe this is that important. Throughout our history both in written fictional history and reality our resolve to triumph over good has never been greater. Please help me make this a reality and let those who are evil know we will not stand for this and we are united and stronger than ever before.

All of us together must pray for those who have been hurt. And I pray they will be comforted by a power great than any of us spoken through the ages in Psalm 23: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.”
Please contact me and I will give you all my information and we can get this started.