Sometimes, one apple falls a little farther from the tree than the others...
The Dark Knight director
Christopher Nolan is a world-renowned filmmaker capable of capturing the imaginations of millions of fans. Brother
Matthew Nolan is a con man and murder suspect capable of getting himself captured and sent to the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) high-rise prison in Chicago.
According to the
Chicago Tribune, Matthew was arrested on Costa Rican murder charges by FBI agents after leaving U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Chicago. Though charges were never filed against him, Nolan was also under investigation for a check-kiting scam in which Nolan tried to ingratiate himself with his alleged victims by
offering rides in the Batmobile used in
The Dark Knight.
Recently, during an inspection of his MCC prison cell, authorities found items
"designed and intended to be used to facilitate an escape", including a rope made from sheets, a body harness, a razor and a piece of metal designed to unlock handcuffs.
Nolan was charged with possession of the items and the official court filing declared:
"It is clear from the items seized...that Nolan had devoted a significant amount of time during his first two weeks at the MCC preparing for an escape," prosecutors said in a court filing."