5 Problematic Things With the New Batman V Superman Trailer

5 Problematic Things With the New Batman V Superman Trailer

Alright, I wanted to be excited for this trailer, but to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of it. Before I get to nitpicking certain things, I just want to say one thing. Who knows, this still could be a good movie. To be my own devil's advocate the clips are out of context, so it can all end up working together, however I have a few gripes and questions raised after viewing.

Editorial Opinion
By belfour2000 - Dec 03, 2015 09:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman vs. Superman

Here are a few of the things that bugged me immediatley following my first viewing of the trailer said in order of when they appeared in the trailer.

1) Why is Lex Luthor so excited/ animated to see Clark Kent, and Bruce Wayne together?

Unless he knows both of their secret identities it just doesn't seem to make sense. Clark is only a reporter for the Daily Planet. He's not even the newspaper's top reporter. What is Lex's motivation to have the two together in one room?

2) "What a grip, you wouldn't want to get into a fight with this guy!"

Is this line on the nose or what? Not only is it extremely hammy, but the line betrays certain things about how Clark typically handles himself. Clark is supposed to hold himself completely opposite to how Superman does. He should be meek, with little eye contact, and he would ensure to be the weaker of the two hands shaken especially during an interaction with someone with a huge ego like Lex. A better line would involve the two shaking hands and Lex commenting on how a professional man needs to have a firm handshake to get anywhere. Remember Lex thinks of himself as the smartest person in the world. He needs to look at Clark and think that there is no way that he is Superman. From his point of view it would make no sense for a godly alien to hide as a meek, low payed reporter.


Okay, am I the only one who thinks it's a little early for a character like doomsday to appear? I mean he holds the honour of killing superman, I kinda wonder what he's doing as a secondary character tacked on at the end of the trailer. Also why does he look like a cross between abomination from "Incredible Hulk", and a CGI'd Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson from "The Scorpion"?

5) Batman almost dying

This is really nitpicking, but I feel as if, if batman was so close to death he would be trying nearly everything in his power to get out. He would pull out a batarang or something to try and cut himself out. He would be completely serious through it all. One thing he wouldn't do is stop look and the camera and say shit. It just seemed way too hammy and out of character to me.

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Pedrito - 12/3/2015, 10:48 PM
#2 is a great point.
Reeves Clark was perfect. Cavill's seems as douchy as his Superman.
Darktower - 12/3/2015, 10:59 PM
Darktower - 12/3/2015, 11:03 PM

1) Doomsday Looks Ugly And He Doesn't Resemble The Doomsday From Comics!

Oh so you were expecting a supermodel in the form of Doomsday? he's meant to be an ugly beast right from the get go and secondly let me clarify that Doomsday has a unique ability - To evolve and develop himself based on the kind of threats he faces, so every time you damage him he'll develop and adapt towards that specific kind of attack/weakness making him more and more dangerous/powerful and unkillable.

So when you look at this Doomsday design you can see he has small bone protrusions all over the body that's a subtle hint which says he'll grow bigger and badder and will eventually resemble the Doomsday design that we all know from the comics over the course of that big Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman vs Doomsday fight!

2) They Revealed/Spoiled The Entire Movie!

I mean why would a studio in their right mind would do that, but here's the thing alright, tell me what exactly did they spoil with this trailer? Is it Doomsday being the threat in this move? or is it the fact that Superman and Batman are fighting against a common threat putting aside their differences?

NEWS FLASH, this movie is named Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice for a reason and many are missing the subtitle part of the movie which says DAWN OF JUSTICE. Right from the moment when this title got announced all those years ago, everyone were sure that Batman and Superman will put aside their differences and will fight against a common threat.

Secondly the official plot synopsis also cemented the fact that there will be a rising global threat which will be tackled by these heroes.

Thirdly Doomsday rumors were flying around for two whole years so anyone who was following this movie in any capacity would have come across that rumor at least once in that two years time period and would have considered it as a plausibility. (God that rumor was so consistent and kept coming back all the time)

So if you truly believe that they spoiled the movie with this trailer, the king of suspense and thriller screenwriting, Chris Terrio (writer of this film) disagrees with you!

3) He's Not The Lex Luthor From The Comics/Animated Series!

So there are people who are claiming that Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal is no where close to the real Lex Luthor and that Eisenberg's version looks so artificial, because in their own words Luthor is supposed to be a cold calculating and a manipulative genius who is good at hiding his intentions and tracks.

Well guess what that's exactly the Lex Luthor we are getting from Jesse Eisenberg. You guys gotta remember that Luthor's exterior persona which he's showing off in the trailers (socially awkward, goofy, very approachable, do-gooder) is just a metaphysical mask to hide his true self and intentions from the world, his true self being a frightened but evil genius.

FUN FACT: This dual persona thingy was alluded by both Zack Snyder and Jesse Eisenberg in interviews.

Either way he'll transform from this long haired Luthor to this bald guy Luthor to strongly represent his change or willingness to show his true image to the world, so there's that as well.

4) Batman Is Using Guns, He's Not Supposed To!

Do yourself a favor and pick a Batman comic will you?, just because it looks like a gun doesn't mean it's a gun that shoots bullets alright, moreover in The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel (inspiration for this movie) Batman uses a sonic cannon against Superman.

Batman has used guns that emits ultra sonic sounds, energy beams, taser kinda stuff and a lot more which are non lethal in application and are created purely to immobilize or damage his opponents but not necessarily kill.

5) Wonder Woman Is Shoehorned In This Movie!

Wonder Woman is an extended cameo/supporting character (albeit a more important one) in this film, much like how Black Widow was in Iron Man 2, she serves an actual purpose in this film which we don't know yet.

But Zack Snyder did confirm that, Wonder Woman is looking for the exact same thing which Batman and Superman are looking for in this movie, their paths intersect with each other, we don't exactly know what this shared path is, but it does sound cohesive and purposeful and definitely not shoehorned, but hey when Gal Gadot is rocking the Wonder Woman persona, haters will need a new reason to complain right?

Okay so this is by far the most laughable and illogical one.............

6) DC Movie Is Suddenly Funny? They Are Supposed To Be Dark and Gritty, They Are Copying Marvel #Fail!

First they were like "DC movies are so dark, gritty and depressing there's needs to be some levity in their movies" and when there's a mild quip/humor in their trailer these fanbois are like "DC is copying Marvel, DC is not supposed to be funny!"

These contradictory fanboys, I mean can we even win against these guys? either way let's face it, the humor/levity showcased in this trailer was situational and subtle and not over the top or constant like Marvel movies so there's a great difference in tone anyhow, no ones copying anyone.

Either way a bit of levity is definitely not a bad thing right?

Wrapping Up

So guys these were the six illogical claims made by fanboys/haters and they are willing to go to the extreme ends to catch all sorts of weak straws to complain and hate on this movie, because hating/dissing is so fun right?

Either way did you come across any other illogical claim that I missed out? Let me know in the comments below!

Oh I almost forgot. Avengers Infinity Wars is totally spoiled for me they've already revealed the villain four years (actually 6 years) in advance, OMG NOOOOOOOOO. (said no fanboy ever)
huckfinnisher - 12/4/2015, 12:26 AM
What happened to number 3?
huckfinnisher - 12/4/2015, 12:36 AM
Another issue is how Bruce was handling himself when he met Clark. Traditionally when in his Bruce Wayne mode bats goes out of his way to not draw attention to himself. When people mention Batman to Bruce Wayne there is no way he shows the kind of emotion he does in the trailer because it makes people suspicious. It just doesn't make sense for Bruce to potentially draw suspicion to himself, when if he is "retired".
huckfinnisher - 12/4/2015, 12:38 AM
*even if he's retired.
Klone - 12/4/2015, 2:13 AM
Doomsday evolving in appearance is conjectural at best. And he does look generic and bland.
DrKinsolving - 12/4/2015, 2:18 AM

I started commenting on here after Nolan's run was over, so I've never really seen this before....

Is this what it was like then? Just a massive amount of nonsensical articles and comments that make absolutely no sense?
billnye69 - 12/4/2015, 4:39 AM
I really don't understand the nitpicking for CW or BvS. Both movies look awesome. People should want all the movies to succeed because it only helps both franchises flourish.
chriskrispy - 12/4/2015, 7:36 AM
My main issue with the trailer itself is actually including him in the trailer. I'd much rather him be a surprise because damn that would be a great reveal. I actually yelled from frustration watching the trailer but in the theater, knee deep in the atmosphere of opening night, I probably would have yelled from excitement if he burst onto screen. I guess I could live with a depowered, ugly Doomsday but they revealed the biggest mystery of the movie in what I presume isn't even the final trailer. Hell, one of the reasons I'm so stoked about TFA is because they haven't let us see Luke beyond seeing Mark Hamill's name on the cast list. There's still a lot of mystery surrounding the movie. While I'm not saying a J.J. level of secrecy is needed, I can only imagine how much better it would have been to have no warning about Doomsday.
Lhornbk - 12/4/2015, 6:20 PM
I'm gonna comment on one part of this, how Clark Kent is portrayed. I HATED Reeves' version of Clark Kent. It was too corny, it made Clark look like an idiot. There is a difference between "mild-mannered" and "moronic." Clark is supposed to be a good reporter, right up there with Lois. Not down at the bottom of the ladder. So far, Cavill is playing Clark exactly the way he should be played, not as a moronic farmboy but as a good reporter who tries to not attract attention.
Emblemmaniac - 12/5/2015, 4:12 AM
I disagree on Doomsday being to early. You don't have to kill off superman just because he is in it. And to be honest. If they would use Death of Superman, i would rather seen them using Darkseid... He is a more menacing villain after all. Batman/Superman apocalypse used Doomsday as what he should be. Just a ace in the sleeve and nothing else.

I do however agree on Lex probably knows who both are
belfour2000 - 12/7/2015, 2:09 PM
I hope that doomsday evolves over the movie and becomes more like the comicbook version because that's a more original design. I'd have to ask though, why show this form of doomsday in the trailer. It seems unnecessary and counter productive by a marketing standpoint. The argument is that we had a pretty good idea that doomsday was going to be in the movie. So than why bother showing us him at all, especially a half assed/ unevolved version of him. All it did was lower people's expectations for the film. You think it would be smarter to leave him out of the trailer entirely from a marketing standpoint. I understand that trailer's are usually done by an outside company who usually have an unfinished film to edit from, but with a film of this size you'd think that the studio would be working extra hard to cultivate a singular vision for everything leading up to the film ala Force Awakens.
belfour2000 - 12/7/2015, 2:12 PM
@darktower I've been a fan of Affleck for a while now, and a huge of DC as a whole. By no means am I a fanboy however.
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