Why The CIVIL WAR Trailer Is Superior To The BATMAN V SUPERMAN Trailer

Why The CIVIL WAR Trailer Is Superior To The BATMAN V SUPERMAN Trailer

Check out why the Civil War trailer is superior to the Batman v Superman trailer!

Editorial Opinion
By Ruthless - Dec 05, 2015 09:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman vs. Superman

The trailer for Captain America: Civil War was released on Jimmy Kimmel Live (my very own scoop!) a little over a week ago. It received universal acclaim from viewers everywhere. The newest trailer for Batman v Superman was released a couple of days ago and received mixed reactions. I was somewhat underwhelmed by it. The Comic Con trailer was better. Now onto the reasons why Civil War's trailer is better...


This trailer clearly shows that Civil War continue the same serious tone from The Winter Soldier. That is a major plus because people loved The Winter Soldier's tone since it was the pefect mix of humor and seriousness. 

NOT Avengers 2.5, this is Cap's movie first

A lot of people were worried that this would be just another Avengers movie due to its many characters. Well this trailer shows that Steve Rogers is still the primary focus. It continues his relationship with Bucky. It's very personal for him.

Team Cap vs Team Iron Man

We have grown to love and care about these characters over the past years. Now they have to fight. It is family against family. Friends against friends. So much emotional intensity. 

Action Sequences

This trailer shows that Civil War's fight scenes and action sequences will be just as great as The Winter Soldier, if not better.  It proves that a trailer doesn't need excessive CGI or massive explosions to wow the audiences. 

Black Panther

Black Panther is one of the greatest comic book characters ever. Look how badass he looks! The true king in all his glory.

The end of Stark and Steve's friendship

We have seen their relationship develop over the past few years. Now it has come to an end. It breaks my heart to see Stark say that line. My emotions! 

This scene

The trailer ends on this epic scene. Cap and Bucky double team against Stark! It looks like it's straight out of the comics.

Now onto my complaints about the latest trailer for Batman v Superman...

Lex Luthor

I love Jesse Eisenberg as an actor. I loved him in The Social Network. I just think something is off with his Lex. He seems corny and cartoonish. I hope the movie proves me wrong. 

The trailer gave away the entire plot

What ever happened to the element of surprise? The first two trailers did what it needed to do without spoiling us. Now we know Lex will manipulate Batman and Superman to fight against each other and then they will team up to fight Doomsday (Zod?). Please take note from the trailers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens


I know that the CGI is not finished yet, but come on. He looks like a troll from Lord of the Rings. I hope they perfect his look. 

Enough with the negativity already. Now onto the things the trailer got right...

Clark and Bruce Interacting 

It is so great to see Clark and Bruce interact in their civilian attire. There is so much tension between the two. It's obvious that they know each others secret. 

Wonder Woman

Look how awesome and badass she looks! DC's most iconic character! This trailer continues to prove Gal Gadot haters wrong. She is the perfect Wonder Woman. You go girl!

The Trinity

'Nuff said.

This editorial is not meant to start a flame war. I wrote this to prove that you could be excited for both movies. Although I prefer the Civil War trailer and was somewhat underwhelmed by the newest trailer for Batman v Superman, the latter has great parts as well. I want both movies to be amazing. That would be good for the whole genre. I know I'm going to see both films opening night! How about you?
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ScarletWarlock - 12/5/2015, 10:47 PM
To further encourage a civil debate in the comments, you're damn right I'll be there opening night for both films!!!!!!! Hope for the best from both.
NovaCorpsFan - 12/5/2015, 10:48 PM
I'm gonna build a children's hospital... the biggest... children's hospital... in the world...

Call it...

Michael Jackson's children's hospital...
DeusExSponge - 12/5/2015, 10:48 PM
This belongs in the editorial section!
Darktower - 12/5/2015, 10:50 PM
Good article .. but comparing a Teaser trailer of cIVIL War with the 2nd trailer of BvS, i dont think that's fair. For me so far BvS comic con trailer is the best out of all the cbm trailers.
RextheKing - 12/5/2015, 10:52 PM
From the title I figured this would be a fanboyish rebuttal to the halfwitted article from earlier. This was surprisingly a good read, good job.
RextheKing - 12/5/2015, 10:53 PM
This will still incite a flame war though.
Knightrider - 12/5/2015, 11:00 PM
This makes no sense. You say it have too much away, but you can only say that with the context of seeing the movie. Heck, after watching Star Wars we may realise that the trailer showed us the only twist... That Finn was a Stormtrooper... Point being we can't make statements without context.

Action Sequences??? You saw a kick and Cap holding a helicopter which looks like a great scene to come but again haven't seen enough of it.

I said I like both trailers, they illustrate how different these movies are which is great as I don't want identical tones, themes etc across both company's movies.

I get it, you don't like DC movies, which is fine you have a right to opinion, but this isn't a opinion piece it might as well be propaganda.
SpoonWielder - 12/5/2015, 11:09 PM

I like the Civil War trailer better, but I have to comment on your mention of Civil War not having excessive CGI. As an animator I can tell you that around 90% of the shots in the Civil War trailer have visual effects in them in some form or another.

But your point is still made, you can feel the reality of the shots and none of it looks like it was shot on a soundstage.
DeusExSponge - 12/5/2015, 11:19 PM
I'll be honest guys, both the Civil War and Batman v Superman trailer were equally disappointing to me. Don't get me wrong I'm looking forward to these movies and those trailers definitely had a lot of awesome moments in them. But they just didn't do it for me! Marvel had better trailers than that Civil War trailer and I liked Batman v Supermans previous trailers a lot more.
XelCorp - 12/5/2015, 11:20 PM
brainuser01 - 12/5/2015, 11:48 PM
But in the end of the day, Bvs will beat cw. we all know that inside :). we can all pretend we don't but we do.
thomashilfiger - 12/5/2015, 11:52 PM
Didn't we have an article a couple weeks ago on how the company responsible for the movie's CGI said they were done with it? Like, they had finished the VFX? I honestly think Doomsday looks nice as it is.
brainuser01 - 12/6/2015, 12:00 AM
@frozenjoy both.my point is bvs is a superior movie,far superior..no trailer no nothing can stop it.it would be a different case if it were a solo movie, but bats n supes together,are u kidding me? now tell me how a justice League movie will be beaten by an avenger trailer :-)
brainuser01 - 12/6/2015, 12:06 AM
bvs is all about historical showdown..if u don't care about bvs i have no doubt calling you a kid,a little fanboy kid..i cared about the first avenger movie.but all that is Done and dusted.to see cap thor Ironman sharing screen was no less epic but that epicness is way inferior to that of the trinity.don't get me wrong.are u not interested in a movie which features wolverine,spidey and ALL or most of the real avengers? i know i am..lol what im saying is that cap Ironman is all played out.we all know cap is gonna use standard English while he talk thrash to im,and ironman will be using his regular one liners,ask me how? HOW BECAUSE WE HAVE SEEN HOW.. but coming back to bvs.what do you know about clarke Bruce and Diana's interactions? did you even.see how the first part of the trailer is so awesome.those lines...im not defending or attacking anyone.i know cw is gonna make billions,so is bvs.but bvs is gonna be a superior movie my friends.thats just something we cant stop or change :-)
IFeelLikePablo - 12/6/2015, 12:10 AM
I don't know how the hell someone who reads comics can dislike Jesse's performance as Lex. It's WAY better than Spacey/Singer Lex already, and is such a nod to the great Gene Hackman (and Max Landis).

brainuser01 - 12/6/2015, 12:20 AM
and about doomsday.u will be a cb newbie if you do not expect doomsday to evolve into his real form.his current looks? i Dont hate it but i know it would have been superior given the looks of the other characters..anyway i can't stop people from complaining,that's what we do :-). but what i only expect from people is that they don't judge a movie from its trailer. let me tell you how a movie is panning out nowadays- bvs announced -ohhhh frick this is the one.its gonna annihilate all.. this is the movie i wanna see before i die.
bat Affleck- [frick] this movie is a lost cause
little comiccon trailer- omg this movie is gonna annihilate,i knew i was right.
bat Affleck as batman- damn i am gonna pretend i didn't ever put down a comment on how bad he gonna be.god i can be wrong sometimes.
jesse lex- frick im not gonna watch this
jesse bald lex- frick this movie will bring us heaven
comiccon trailer- oh my frick..oh frick.if i get cancer this is what i wanna watch right before i die(yes offense)
less villain Details- this movie is doomed,no real villain, we don't know anything about it,it sucks
this trailer- frick why do they tell me doomsday was in it.

phewwww i m not even gonna count the wonder gadot part,that's for you :-)
brainuser01 - 12/6/2015, 12:23 AM
@frozenjoy yes financially too.look ok? im 25 i know you are a grown up too..we both love comics.so lets just skip to the part where we say ok lets wait for the time when the movie is out because i am sure as hell i am gonna write out a webpage bugging long comment on how bvs will be financially successful :-)
kinghulk - 12/6/2015, 2:11 AM
why does everyone assume the Special affects for batman vs superman are not done? after all this film has been in production a year longer than pretty much any film releasing in 2016. filming finished back in 2014 so the special affects really should be finished by now
loki668 - 12/6/2015, 2:14 AM
I'm just here to warm my hands by the flames.

Personally, I would have gone with a yule log but...................
Jazzy4 - 12/6/2015, 2:15 AM
Though i agree with a lot of your points, I really think that article was unnecessary since we had plenty like these and it usually end up nasty.

Concerning the showing of too much, i would say thougH that Civil War is on its first trailer, so of course it wouldn't show too much at this stage compared to the last BvS trailer..

However, i feel like WB has started its marketing campaign too early, risking therefore to release more trailers to outbid and sustain the awareness factor for a longer period of time.

This can ruin or decrease the level of hype if you load your gun too early, too quick, revealing more each and every time.

Iam also against those EW interviews that reveal too much for both movies.

Studios should try to keep as much mystery as possible before the movie release.
loki668 - 12/6/2015, 2:35 AM

I, personally, think both trailers are [frick]ing awesome!! Neither one gives too much away (despite arguments otherwise), they both have long-awaited characters we've been dying to see, and they are both the fulfillment of long-requested stories. We should be celebrating these films, not arguing over easily-disproven bias.


I'm assuming that some of those comments were to me? My inbox had something around four notifications.

kinghulk - 12/6/2015, 2:35 AM
"Plus, the author is deleting comments if he/she doesn't like them"

that would explain why i have a notification that you mentioned me but i cant see the comment
kinghulk - 12/6/2015, 2:35 AM
loki668- same i had 4 notifications as well
loki668 - 12/6/2015, 2:36 AM

loki668 - 12/6/2015, 2:45 AM

Not usually. I think she's (I'm guessing, FrozenJoy, so don't get mad!) just [frick]ing with us (and that previous article).
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