BLACK ADAM Star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Talks Candidly About His Issues With "Cancel" And "Woke" Culture

BLACK ADAM Star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Talks Candidly About His Issues With "Cancel" And "Woke" Culture

Black Adam star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has explained why he won't endorse any candidate in this year's U.S. Presidential election and shares his issues with "woke" and "cancel" culture. Check it out!

By JoshWilding - Apr 06, 2024 11:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Black Adam

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shocked everyone in 2020 when he publicly endorsed President Joe Biden. Like many celebrities, he'd remained silent about his political leanings until that point and, when his support for the Democrats was made known, a lot of people weren't happy. 

The same would have been true had he put his weight behind the Republicans because when you have two main political parties to choose from and publicly choose one over the other, there's a pretty good chance 50% of people will love you and 50%...well, not so much. 

Talking to Fox News about this weekend's WrestleMania, The Rock confirmed he won't endorse anyone ahead of this year's U.S. Presidential election. 

"The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was one I thought was the best decision for me at that time," Johnson explained. "I thought, ‘I’m in this position where I have some influence and I felt it was my job then to exercise my influence [and] share: This is who I’m going to endorse.’ I’m not going to do that."

"I was then, the most followed man in the world, and am today, and I appreciate that...but what that caused was something that tears me up in my guts - which is division. That got me. I didn’t realize that then, I just felt like there was a lot of unrest and I’d like things to calm down."

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He added, "The takeaway after that was it caused an incredible amount of division. I realize now going into this election, I will not do that. My goal is to bring this country together. I believe in that. There will be no endorsement. At this level of influence, I will keep my politics to myself. It is between me and the ballot box."

"But I will tell you this: Like a lot of us out there, not trusting of all politicians, I do trust the American people and whoever they vote for that is my president and who I will support 100 percent."

Asked directly whether he's happy with the current state of America, the Black Adam star candidly admitted that he is not

"Today’s cancel culture, woke culture, division, etc - that really bugs me," Johnson said. "In the spirit of that, you either succumb to that and be what other people want you to be, or you be yourself and be real...and that might make people upset and piss people off, and that’s okay."

In the same interview, The Rock confirmed he no longer plans to run for President. As well as refocusing his acting career, he's joined the board of TKO Holdings, the Endeavor-owned parent company of WWE and UFC (suggesting his priorities have changed as he did seem pretty interested in doing so a few years back).

You can watch the full interview with Johnson below. 

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DrReedRichards - 4/6/2024, 11:28 AM
User Comment Image
Sabre81 - 4/6/2024, 11:37 AM
@DrReedRichards - Who or what and where is Hierarchy?!?!?!?!!?

Robot Nation needs to know. The 'Rock' needs to know if you smell what I'm cookin' lol
TheVisionary25 - 4/6/2024, 11:45 AM
@DrReedRichards - the hierarchy of the DC universe did change , just not the way he wanted lol

User Comment Image
ShimmyShimmyYA - 4/6/2024, 11:31 AM
Rock going for his final destiny as the Republican candidate for president
DarkModeDan - 4/6/2024, 11:48 AM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - It's so funny, apparently he's confirming he's not interested in running for the Presidency, but this whole article sounds like the most carefully curated, big tent politician speak I've heard in a while.

It feels like he's still angling for something...but it could also just be generic corpo speak trying to appeal to the broadest possible audience. Usually the only thing the Rock is cooking is more of his own branding. 😅
RedFury - 4/6/2024, 1:05 PM
@DarkModeDan - I think the Rock is always angling at something. He seems like a good dude; but he's also a bit of a narcissist. So while I get the feeling he does come from a good place, and has a good heart; I think most of that is in service to himself. But like I said he does seem like a good man, so at least he's not a narcissist that ruins lives.
AmazingFILMporg - 4/6/2024, 1:10 PM
@ShimmyShimmyYA -

I wouldn't mind The Rock running as a Republican. The right wing in this country is broken. Trump made them abandon all of their principles. They have no idea what they believe. Over 70% of Republicans believe the last election was stolen😳

We need two functional parties. Democrats have their crazy factions but none of them hold political power💁

Republicans can't even agree on a house speaker😑

We need more rational Republicans and not this new trumper brain rot🫡
DarkModeDan - 4/6/2024, 1:18 PM
@RedFury - I feel that. I mean, I LIKE the Rock, but it's all a persona. I don't know the guy. I don't know where the showmanship ends and the person begins. And I definitely don't know what's a calculated PR line and what's an actual opinion.

But hey, if his message is ultimately just boiling down to a pretty basic "can't we all just get along,", there's definitely worse messaging out there.
RedFury - 4/6/2024, 1:21 PM
@DarkModeDan - well put!
KennKathleen - 4/6/2024, 6:19 PM
@RedFury - He's staring to seem more like a narcissist that comes off like a good Dude.
I think it would've helped him tremendously had he pulled off whatever antics he had in mind in the DCEU.

There's definitely still a lot of potential success for him. I just hope he chooses to move forward with opinions he's genuinely passionate about, stop trying to be as unoffensive as possible.
RedFury - 4/6/2024, 6:28 PM
@KennKathleen - if he was just a bit more humble when it came to his DCEU stuff he would have saved a lot of face for sure. I've always thought that he ends up hiring and or working with a lot of filmmakers that will just bow to his will, and I think thats why some of his films suffer. Let the creatives do their thing, and bring that confidence and star power to the film, and that's it.

I feel like thats why John Cena is becoming so successful. He knows his part, comes prepared, and does a great job without letting his ego get in the way of the project. Everyone seems to speak so highly of him, and it's taking him places.
mountainman - 4/6/2024, 11:32 AM
Great job Dwayne. This is how more celebrities should act.
Evansly - 4/6/2024, 12:30 PM
@mountainman - Good luck with the wind!
marvel72 - 4/6/2024, 1:31 PM
@mountainman - Exactly I don't give a shit about actors/actresses and their politics,don't preach to me,just entertain me.
BeNice123 - 4/7/2024, 12:14 AM
@marvel72 - exactly. Reminds me of a bit that dave chappelle does. People worship
Celebrities too damn much. Its [frick]in ridiculous. User Comment Image
Malatrova15 - 4/6/2024, 11:33 AM
Evansly - 4/6/2024, 11:35 AM
@Malatrova15 - Can you smell what the Wok is cooking!?!
Chaos200 - 4/6/2024, 11:36 AM
User Comment Image
Origame - 4/6/2024, 11:39 AM
Exactly. Woke culture is just dividing people when preaching about acceptance. It's acceptance until you reveal you don't believe in exactly the same thing as other people. Then you're racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other form of bigot they can come up with.

You'll even hear it with people, they won't care to hear what your reasons for having your opinion. Like with jk. They don't care about why she believes what she does. She just doesn't agree with the group think that trans women are women, which they translate to "she hates trans people" and try to cancel her.

Woke culture is a bigotry witch hunt. Pure and simple.
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/6/2024, 11:48 AM
@Origame - Hunt the bigots!
Elle79 - 4/6/2024, 12:01 PM
@Origame - Woke culture really is just like a cult, just one that over the past 8 years ago has become backed by the significant power of big corporations and aspects of the federal governments. But that doesn't make it less of a destructive cult.

When you disagree with a woke cult member, as you noted they have only a single line of argument where all the "-ists" and "-isms" get thrown around because their side has no rational argument to make.
Origame - 4/6/2024, 12:03 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - I mean, tell that to Gina Carano, someone who was fired for doing exactly what Pedro pascal did.

Stop acting like woke and cancel culture aren't a thing.
Origame - 4/6/2024, 12:06 PM
@Elle79 - yeah. Like with my jk example. They can't rationalize how saying trans women aren't women other than pretending it's "denying their existence". But it's like, no she isn't. She knows trans women exist, she just doesn't believe they are women.

If you see an anorexic person and tell them "you aren't fat", that isn't saying the anorexic person doesn't exist. Just that what they claim about themselves isn't true.
DarthAlgar - 4/6/2024, 12:21 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - Then I guess we should start with you.
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/6/2024, 12:24 PM
@DarthAlgar - Yep, super bigoted towards bigots
DarthAlgar - 4/6/2024, 12:27 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - Nah. It doesn't work that way.

You're just a straight bigot. No sugarcoating.

ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/6/2024, 12:28 PM
@DarthAlgar - Sure thing sweet cheeks!

Sorry that Disney is putting trans people in programs
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/6/2024, 12:29 PM
@DarthAlgar - Read the tolerance paradox. Pretty interesting
DarthAlgar - 4/6/2024, 12:31 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - And I'm sorry that comments you don't agree with drove you to the point of insanity where you had to make a troll profile to vent your anger.

Wait...No I'm not.

Stay triggered. 😁
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/6/2024, 12:33 PM
@DarthAlgar - Not at all triggered! I love seeing grown men cry on the internet about a company who will continue to make decisions that hurt their feelings! I'll see you on the next post that makes you and the others upset! It's super fun!
DarthAlgar - 4/6/2024, 12:33 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - Who with a brainstem would take tolerance advice from you, one of the most intolerant people on here? 🤨
HermanM - 4/6/2024, 12:33 PM
@Origame - Woke just means anti white and pro LGBTQP.
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/6/2024, 12:34 PM
@DarthAlgar - I'm quite tolerant of people! You are certainly free to hate whomever you want and cry about wokeness. I just enjoy making fun of people that don't care for others. Super fun!
HermanM - 4/6/2024, 12:34 PM
@Origame - Gina Carano was canceled by Hollywood for comparing being forced to wear a mask to being a jew persecuted by nazis in the holocaust, so there is your cancel culture: she tried to invoke the holocaust without being a jew and it backfired on her.
DarthAlgar - 4/6/2024, 12:34 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - No. It truly infuriates you. You just try and masquerade the anger.

My guess is you have a weird obsession with this. I'm sure you have a few loose screws upstairs and probably aren't medicated.

You'll learn one days folks on here are laughing at you. Not with you.
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/6/2024, 12:36 PM
@DarthAlgar - Sorry but you don't know me at all. Poking little snowflakes for there being a female lead project or when there is a trans person in it. Oh no people exist! Let's bash projects without seeing them

That said Disney does have major improvements they need to make and while they do you'll keep crying. Love it!
DarthAlgar - 4/6/2024, 12:41 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - See when you saying "love it" and "keep crying" it just further exposes you irritability, but you try and masquerade it.

You're not as clever as you think you are.

Name one time I've criticized
Disney or its castings.

I'll wait. 🙃
ItsNotForMeWahh - 4/6/2024, 12:43 PM
@DarthAlgar - If that makes you feel better to believe that, that is perfectly fine. You are allowed to be an individual, just like others are allowed to individualize themselves.

I'm not digging through your comments bro, that's a weird thing to do. I don't really care but I do enjoy talking to you :)

Let's continue to increase engagement for this site that posts news you don't like with articles people will cry about.
Origame - 4/6/2024, 3:13 PM
@HermanM - but they didn't care when Pedro did it because he was doing it to criticize politics they didn't like. So he good, she bad (which hilariously is misogynistic by their own logic🤣)
Origame - 4/6/2024, 3:18 PM
@DarthAlgar - he really is a massive troll. One time another user brought up to me the xmen 97 controversy surrounding rogues rack. I clarified further that people were also upset that they removed her a$$. Then no joke, that one comment led to him and 2 other users spamming my thread with comments of "why you so obsessed with her a$$". No joke those guys filled up like 3 pages worth of comments insisting I was obsessed when all I did was post one comment pointing out the fact her a$$ was removed and people talked about it.

He's gotta be like 5, right? I have a really hard time imagining a grown adult acting like this guy.
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