According to The Illuminerdi, Black Adam is adding an unexpected character from the comic books in the form of Ma Hunkel. Created during the Golden Age way back in 1939, she was meant to be a parody of the increasingly popular world of superheroes and was a working mother in New York City who disguised herself as a man, calling herself Red Tornado.
Decked out in a silly homemade costume, Hunkel didn't really have any superpowers beyond being strong, and ultimately became an honorary member of the Justice Society of America. Later fading into obscurity, the character returned in 2004, but was then portrayed as an elderly woman who was a caretaker in the JSA Manhattan Museum.
It seems she'll play a similar role in Black Adam, as the character breakdown describes her as "caretaker of the Hawkman and his museum."
Interestingly, it's noted that this version of Ma Hunkel will be portrayed as transgender, a modern update on her cross-dressing past. Despite only being a supporting character here, this is a big step forward in terms of diversity for the DC Cinematic Universe, and it should be fun to see what the unlikely hero brings to the table and whether he/she/they will have a future in this shared world.
Are you looking forward to a modernised take on Ma Hunkel?