Chadwick Boseman Talks BLACK PANTHER 'Challenges' And Why He's Ready To Face Them
Though Captain America: Civil War doesn't start shooting until April, 'Black Panther' actor Chadwick Boseman says he's aware of general challenges, or commitments, but also that he's ready for them.

While still making the rounds for his acclaimed portrayal of James Brown in the Get On Up biopic, Chadwick Boseman was recently asked if he's very happy to be taking a different direction in his career with playing the Black Panther of the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe "Yes, [but] I mean, it's a challenge," the actor told DP/30 during an extensive interview. "I think that is a challenge that I feel is - want to put my whole life into... When you make these movies, you go away from the people you love. You can bring them to you on set, but you're spending months away from your loved ones and friends. You're spending most of the hours of your day concentrating on this... for months in advance of shooting, and you're spending months promoting it after it's over. You look at every film and go 'That's a whole year of my life' in some form or fashion." In spite of those challenges, Boseman went on to explain why he's ready for them. "To have something that you really feel is gonna be interesting, cool, and a challenge, there is nothing you want more than that. And, it's Marvel... it's Marvel!" he said, laughing.
Anyhow, Chadwick Boseman reportedly signed a five-picture deal with Marvel Studios to portray T'Challa first in Captain America: Civil War on May 6, 2016, before headlining his own Black Panther movie on November 3, 2017. However, If he appears in both parts of the Avengers: Infinity War movies on May 4, 2018 and May 3, 2019, then that is five consecutive years that Boseman will be committing to Marvel; and then some. That certainly seems challenging, but what do you think?