Not All DC Fans Are Crazy; One Group Is Raising Significant Donations For #THEBLACKPANTHERCHALLENGE

Not All DC Fans Are Crazy; One Group Is Raising Significant Donations For #THEBLACKPANTHERCHALLENGE Not All DC Fans Are Crazy; One Group Is Raising Significant Donations For #THEBLACKPANTHERCHALLENGE

The #BlackPantherChallenge is a cause that calls for donations to send underprivileged innercity kids to the theater to see Black Panther. One DC fan group is especially rising to the challenge.

By MarkJulian - Feb 02, 2018 09:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Black Panther
Source: via ScreenRant
DC Fans are taking a black eye right now in the wake of attention focusing on one fan group's campaign to sabotage Black Panther's word-of-mouth and Rotten Tomatoes score.  However, these ridiculous actions shouldn't be looked at as reflective of the entire DC fandom.  Case in point, a separate DC fan group is participating in the #BlackPantherChallenge and have raised over $1,600 in donations to date.

#TheBlackPantherChallenge was originally launched in Harlem and has since spread to other major U.S. cities and even a few countries. Most notably, actress Octavia Spencer joined the movement and is renting out an entire theater in Mississippi for Black Panther screenings. 

Before it's all said and done, Black Panther might go down as the most highly-anticipated superhero film of 2018, a statement that's hard to fully comprehend in a year that also sees a third Avengers film released.  Some analysts and pundits believe the film could have a Wonder Woman-like box office draw, suffering only minuscule box office drop-offs in the weeks after its release.  
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ThatAlexDude - 2/2/2018, 9:51 AM
*faith in humanity restored*
SuperCat - 2/2/2018, 9:52 AM
This sh*t is really happening???????

DrReedRichards - 2/2/2018, 9:55 AM
Now, THAT's how a fandom should act! Huge props to the guys responsible for this.
Chewtoy - 2/2/2018, 9:55 AM
Good to see them getting some press.
HeavyMetal4Life - 2/2/2018, 9:56 AM
So there is still some hope left. Great to see
ScarletWarlock - 2/2/2018, 9:56 AM
Stop saying "DC fans". I couldn't imagine being exclusively a fan of only one company. So many of the stories are similar, and a lot of characters share not only similar powers, but similar lore and character traits. I can maybe understand liking one more than the other, but odds are if you like one of the WHOLE universes, odds are you likely like something about the other universe. Idk, this whole title thing is kind of cringy, you might as well just say Marvel fans donate to the #THEBLACKPANTHERCHALLENGE because it doesn't seem like they have any exclusive interest in DC, it's maybe a preference at best. Not taking shots at the article itself, just the culture we immerse ourselves in.
Nasseal82isback - 2/2/2018, 9:57 AM

Chewtoy - 2/2/2018, 10:05 AM
@Nasseal82isback - Beard brothers.
Chasekeane - 2/2/2018, 10:00 AM
Thing is, it was never about DC Fans or Marvel Fans. Just about petty humans being petty humans and rallying around whatever they're too invested, and acting extremely about it.

Chasekeane - 2/2/2018, 10:00 AM
@Chasekeane - But great to see people rallying to support kids educations!
billnye69 - 2/2/2018, 10:00 AM
DC only fans < Jerks

DC Preferred fans < Decent People

Comic Fans < The Sweet Spot

Marvel Preferred Fans < Decent People

Marvel Only Fans < Jerks
bathawk7 - 2/2/2018, 10:05 AM
@billnye69 - Yep you hit it on the mark
LEVITIKUZ - 2/2/2018, 10:11 AM
@billnye69 - Where do Dark Horse fans fit into this?
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