The Black Panther Suit...Is It Fit For Royalty?
Today Marks The First Time Ever We Have Ever Seen A Photo Of The Black Panther Offically In Live Action, But It Is His Suit That Is Getting All Of The Attention!
By Gab -
Aug 12, 2015 08:08 PM EST
Since 2006 I have been checking the internet every day about two characters and the idea of them having a live action film. One was Captain America, my childhood favorite superhero, and the other was The Black Panther my adulthood favorite superguy. I've seen Captain America come to the screen to my delight several times now, but The Black Panther is taking a little bit longer, and I still or should I say we still wait for the King of Wakanda.
Since April 27th when the Captain America: The Civil War first started to film, I scope all of the websites in hopes of just a glimpse of The Black Panther. For those a little slow at math that's almost three months of scoping already. I have also been waiting to see Chadwick Boseman as The Black Panther on set, after all he was the actor that I picked for T'Challa right here on in an article called from one hero to the next, before 42 had even hit theaters.
So today when I searched the net and I saw a picture of The Black Panther standing on a got damn rooftop finally filming a scene in a movie...I wouldn't have cared if he had on a pair of Michael Jordans on, a fur coat, and a a straw hat as long as I knew that that was The Black Panther and he is finally on his way to the Marvel Movie Universe. Now instead I have to read and hear about a bunch of belly aching. When by now I think we all know how movies work. This costume is not "THE COSTUME"! This was strictly for the stunt double to run, jump, and mess up in. Did you see the fat little stunt double by the way? He is fat and skinny at the same time, (no disrespect by the way) he must be a very talented stunt man the way they had him jumping through buildings chasing The Winter Soldier.
People come on! most of you claim to be movie experts and you really think this is how The Black Panther is going to look? Have you ever heard of CGI? I mean this is Marvel Studios and this is a hundred multi million dollar film...the same company who brought you a gun shooting raccoon and a talking giant tree, a flying man of armor and a 2,000 lb. muscle bound Shrek. If you look close enough you can see the red dots on his mask... I mean if you want to. Oh but I am sure some of you would like to think that The BP is going to look like a Power Ranger on a budget, but mark my words you will all be the same ones on here when the trailer hits going crazy over The BP.
I watched everyone complain over Chris Evans being cast as Captain America and how much you didn't like his suit, and now he is everyone's favorite Avenger. I mean make your mind's cool to be sheep and follow the leader, where everyone is complaining about something and then you all pile on, but it's not cool to be Sheep when the sheep think they are Lions. In closing I'm sure more set photos will be released of The Black Panther especially when Chadwick Boseman is in costume, and just watch not only will the quality of the costumes increase, but so will the opinions of these people complaining. So ba ba black sheep keep watching The Black Panther. Maybe I said all of these things because I am so passionate about The Black Panther, and him and Marvel can do no wrong in my eyes, but I truly believe and I have to believe that The Black Panther will look like the concept art moving running and fighting during the Civil War.