When asked if there were any rumors regarding a new Blade film David Goyer had this to say:
"It's been rumored over at New Line," Goyer told MTV News about the status of Marvel's number one vampire slayer. Speaking during a press event for his upcoming, time-bending, sci-fi television series "Flash Forward," Goyer said "there's been murmurings" of another "Blade" film.
Now if Blade getting another shot is a good idea remains to be seen. After the last outing I had my fill.
David Goyer explained further:
"I think when you re-visit these characters, the question is, how long should they stay off the shelf?" he posited. "When we did 'Batman Begins,' he'd been off the shelf for about eight years. It hasn't been eight years yet for Blade. I think usually if you give them a little breathing room between iterations, it's better."
From his above statement(between iterations)it sounds like a possible reboot to me.