Last night, April 4th, was the official US premier of the highly anticipated movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Though fashionably late to the international party, I am glad to report that I thoroughly enjoyed Steve Rogers' second star striped outing. Seeing as most fans overseas have been privy to the film for over a week now, I have returned with anticipation to join in on the discussion. While the overall weekend Box Office tally adds up to all things positive, there are still traces of the ash as the "Flame Warriors” have focused their fight elsewhere. While as a whole, the few commenter’s with opposing opinions make valid arguments; I surrender myself to “Uber-Fanboy” Crucifixion to say that if you liked Green Lantern or X-Men Origins: Wolverine, your points of contention may be Null & Void.
Yes naysayer, this movie does consist mostly of action but the setup is justified (ironically) by its straight forward yet windy plot. Also, it presents itself as an "ACTION MOVIE" early on in the film and should be enjoyed as such. A commonality that I feel is shared by Man of Steel and CA: TWS. They are Exceptional "Action movies" with stories that plausibly setup great "Action Sequences" for "FANS" who buy into their complex mythologies. Action movies (specifically superhero movies) should be seen as "Mountains made of content".

The viewer is the "The Snowball Effect" waiting to happen at the mountain top. How we "roll" with the movie depends on how solid the content is as we travel down the mountain". Non-fans are like the "snowballs avoiding certain content" they feel are not essential to the ride down the mountain. Granted, as a fan of the source material, movies carry more weight for me the more their "Content" adheres to my knowledge of the comic lore. CA: TWS (along w/ Star Trek, Avengers, MoS, Batmn Begins, Watchmen...etc) all deliver on their ends by giving us something solid to build on.

Is that to say you are not entitled to an opinion? No. What it does say is as reviewers, we should review the way we walk into our Superhero/ Action movie experiences. There have been countless movie reviews, for particular Superhero films, where the judgments of the film are contingent on how good their last favorite film was. Personally, I had this same biased towards "The Amazing Spider Man" after recalling the exhilaration I felt after seeing Sam Raimi's "Spider Man 2" for the first time. Do I feel like "The Amazing Spider Man" is a great movie? I consciously remember dodging most of the content that
mountain movie had to offer. So any opinion of mine on the subject is mine and mine alone.
If you want my opinion on "
The Amazing Spider Man 2" Trailer featured in front CA: TWS, though....A-FREAKING-MAZING!!! The
3-D, the
action, the
special effects, the colors!
Sensory Overload, Bro! There is nothing (previous movie experience and all) that will stop me from seeing that movie in IMAX 3-D opening weekend. Sold on the content alone, I can safely say I'm leaving my helmet home for that Thrill Ride! If 2014 was a movie in and of itself, it would be titled "CBM: Age of Action".
So for this year, when you everyone is happily enjoying their "Yosemite" experience; please try not to bring up The Stevens Pass avalanche of 1910.
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