A rumor has been floating around for quite sometime that Jim Lee would be leaving art duties on Justice League but I didn't really give them any credence. I mean what could possibly be more appealing to a DC artist than working on the title that collects the top DC villains and heroes? Well the latest development in that rumor has Lee passing the art baton to someone else so that he can revive his WildC.A.T.s. team, the first title of Lee's old Wildstorm company. The title was extremely popular in the 90's and even had its own Saturday morning cartoon. With several of these characters already in the DCnU, it's not a terrible stretch of the imagination to see this occurring. Of course, no official word yet but if Lee does indeed leave JL I imagine it would only be for something of this magnitude. It's currently believed that the title could launch sometime in January. More details as we have them.