DC and Paul Cornell have announced today that the Hugo-nominated writer of Marvel's "Captain Britain and MI:13", and "Dark X-Men" titles will be righting DC's show case Superman title "Action Comics"

It would appear that the previously announced new writer of Action Comics, Marc Guggenheim is now stepping aside from writing duties and iFanboy favorite Paul Cornell is filling the void. Sadly, he's not bringing Captain Britain and MI:13 artist Leonard Kirk with him, but he will have Pete Woods, who did a great job on the art in Superman: World of New Krypton. He'll also have David Finch on cover duty.
This has got to be a huge thrill for Cornell, who is an unabashed comic book fan. No matter how it sells, Action Comics is one of the few genuinely historically important comic books that is still in print. This is the book that launched Superman, the first domino in a long line that has lead us all to where we are today.
"I'm honoured to be part of a grand tradition," Paul Cornell told us via Twitter. "Pete Woods has even been designing the 'sets'! Back on an ongoing again, great people: cool!"
I have to admit, it's been quite a while since I've seen a piece of comic book news that made me actually yelp, happily and loudly. But this announcement did it. I am very happy that I'll soon be getting more monthly stories from Paul Cornell.
See also: