In case you have been living in a cave, DC has announced that they are relaunching the DC Universe and going back to issue number 1. While I myself have my displeasures about the relaunch especially with storylines like Superman: Grounded, Superboy: Boy of Steel, and many more story arcs still going and with the earth one universe just starting. One thing that really disturbed me was how they changed Superman’s costume completely. If that was not bad enough, we got a first look of the new costume on the first look of Superman# 1 where it is obvious that he is wearing armor. That’s right; the man of steel is wearing armor.
Why in the world would Superman need to wear armor for? Did the writers and the artists forget that Superman is invulnerable and nothing could hurt him except kryptonite and magic? I mean I would understand if it was Batman that had the armor suit because Batman can get hurt, he can get shot and stabbed but Superman? To me, it just does not make any sense to make his costume an armor costume because he is “The Man of Steel” meaning bullets bounce off his chest, knife blades shattering everytime it touches, and someone breaking their hand trying to punch him ( I’m referring to regular person punching him not metahumans or aliens). Everytime I see the new costume makes me wish DC would come to their sense. Did they not learn from the controversies they got for changing Wonder Woman’s costume? That right there should have been a hint to not mess with iconic costumes.