Back when the video game Batman: Arkham Knight was gearing for its 2014 release (later delayed to 2015), it was announced that it would introduce an original supervillain of the same name; a dark mirror-image of Batman with military training supposedly co-created by comics super-star Geoff Johns. However, much to the dismay of underwhelmed fans, the Arkham Knight turned out to merely be a [Spoiler Alert] reskined Jason Todd, plotting revenge on Batman for abandoning him to the Joker. But with the 80th anniversary of the Batman mythos on the horizon, the Arkham Knight will be getting a second life in the actual DC Universe canon, beginning within the pages of Detective Comics #1000.

DETECTIVE COMICS #1000 is highlighted by an original story from the team of writer Peter J. Tomasi and artist Doug Mahnke that not only launches a new story arc but introduces a new version of the Arkham Knight to DC comics canon. Tomasi is no stranger to this character, having written his video game origins in 2015’s BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT – GENESIS miniseries.
Given that Jason Todd has long-existed in the pages of DC Comics, it is highly unlikely that he is the Arkham Knight this time around. Besides Tomasi and Mahnke, Detective Comics #1000 will feature the work of Dennis O'Neil, Neal Adams, Geoff Johns, Brian Michael Bendis, Paul Dini, Christopher Priest, Kelley Jones, Dustin Nguyen and Alex Maleev. It is expected to be released in March 2019.