COMICS: Magneto Set To Go Back To Being A Baddie This November?

COMICS: Magneto Set To Go Back To Being A Baddie This November?

Currently fighting the forces of evil as a member of the X-Men, it looks like Magneto may just be getting ready to head back to his villainous ways in Magneto: Not a Hero later this year...

By JoshWilding - Aug 12, 2011 09:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Newsarama

Newsarama have today unveiled Magneto: Not a Hero, an upcoming limited series by Skottie Young and artist Clay Mann. Apparently, the series will deal with the ramifications of the former villain turned X-Man being caught on camera killing humans. Whether this means we'll see him turn back to the side of evil is unknown, but the title has got to make you wonder! I've included a few excerpts from the sites interview, but make sure to click below to read much, much more.

Magneto has certainly been there and back again as far as his flip-flopping allegiance. What's different this time, and how unprepared could the X-Men REALLY be for this?

No matter how trusting the X-men are I think it's a big mistake to let their guard down completely. This is Magneto. MAG-F'N-NETO. I don't care if he convinces me he's selling girl scout cookies, I'm assuming he's only seconds away from hurting some fools. So yeah, I think that if you look at the history of Magneto, there's always a version of him that will make you lose a little sleep at night. I'd like to explore that a bit.

Well then, Skottie, will this series be focusing more on why Magneto goes bad, or on the X-Men's response? Whose point of view will the story be told from?

I think this is a story about Magneto coming to grips with who he is. It's an identity issue. Who is Magneto and which version of him will win out when it comes down to it.

Is there anything else either of you can tease from Magneto: Not a Hero? A favorite bit or scene from this first issue perhaps?

Well, I did have to do a little research on some group that Magneto started back in the day...

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JatevinM - 8/12/2011, 9:14 AM
I like the whole sleeves gone look for him now just like Superman he needs to loose those trunks and get a purple belt.
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2011, 9:19 AM
SOme group he started? Acolytes or Brotherhood?
AlReg - 8/12/2011, 9:20 AM
One of my favorite takes on Magneto was the Planet X story something so polarizing for the character it was retconed to not being the real Magneto. Being a villain who can easily sway people is how he should be and it would be fitting to see him go down that road again.
alexi52 - 8/12/2011, 9:30 AM
now theres the magneto i love
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2011, 9:33 AM
@ alexi

yeah, he seems so wrong being on the X-Men.
JackBauer - 8/12/2011, 9:34 AM
The chick in the lower left corner has a nice rack.
AlcoholicA - 8/12/2011, 9:40 AM
@ CorndogBurglar

Didn't seem that wrong for me. He was always fighting for Mutant superiority, and now 98% of the mutants are located in one spot, HIS Asteroid-now-island. Seems like at the least he would play nice whether because they're all the mutants that are left, or cause if he's planning some future evilness, then he'll have the advantage of being an "inside man" of Team X-Men. What better way to stab someone in the back than being on their team and on their senior committee.
AlcoholicA - 8/12/2011, 9:42 AM
@ JackBauer

Dude, it's a comicbook, what chick DOESN"T have a nice rack?
Shaman - 8/12/2011, 9:49 AM
The last i remember reading of him was "Eve of Destruction". And that was an awesome read if i remember correctly. I'm pretty sure he was badass in it :)
Moakynubs - 8/12/2011, 9:53 AM
I didn't see that coming.
manymade1 - 8/12/2011, 9:54 AM
Anybody thats been reading Schism shouldn't be suprised.
VictorHugo - 8/12/2011, 10:04 AM
Where´s his sleeves? Has he gone poor?
HeyVanity - 8/12/2011, 10:06 AM
I've actually really enjoyed seeing him with the X-Men. Scott has become a much more serious leader, willing to do things Xavier wouldn't have done in the past, and I think Magneto fits well with that. I definitely think the dude deserves a more prominent role, though. It would be awesome to see him get his own X-Men team. It would only be appropriate after the Schism split.
JackBauer - 8/12/2011, 10:12 AM
@AlcoholicA - LOL! So true :)
marvel72 - 8/12/2011, 10:25 AM
2nd best marvel villain ever.
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2011, 10:36 AM
@ nomis

everyone knows its MODOK
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2011, 10:38 AM
@ Shaman

I believe Eve of Destruction was the story where he was in disguise as Xorn. And Xorn removed his mask and it turned out to be Magento. But i also think that Grant Morrison's big F.U. for changing his series back to the X-Men everyone knows.

anyway, it really messed with continuity, so they retconned it and said that it actually wasn't Magneto, it was so weird "being" impersonating him. it was crazy.
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2011, 10:41 AM
@ alcoholica

i get what you're saying. Its just weird seeing him fighting alongside the X-Men. I mean, the guy bowed down to Cyclops and told Cyke that he accomplished something that Magneto never could, he united an entire race.

even if the entire race is less than 200 people, lol.
JohnTom88 - 8/12/2011, 10:42 AM
Beware the Red and Purple
Shaman - 8/12/2011, 10:43 AM
CorndogBurglar- Are you shitting me??? They actually retconned the whole thing??? [frick], it had it all!!! Cyclops was more badass than he had ever been, coming back from wherever he was(didn't follow his disapearance with the whole Apocalypse thing) working hand in hand with Wolverine going up against a badass Magneto bent on destroying the humans. GODDAMN IT WAS AWESOME! Why the hell did they retcon it? I'll just go shoot myself now. [frick]ing Xorn... [frick] outa here...
AlSimmons - 8/12/2011, 10:45 AM
Again?! What is this, the 8 billionth flip-flop???
marvel72 - 8/12/2011, 10:45 AM
@ nomis

i personally think dr.doom.
Ichaos - 8/12/2011, 11:32 AM
Yah Supes loosing thr trunks really improved his look hahhahahahhahaha hahahahahahahhaaja supes looks like a friggin tard now
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2011, 11:36 AM
@ Shaman

they didn't retcon the entire story, they just retconned that Magneto was Xorn. The story still happened, but it just didn't make a lot of sense for Xorn to have been Magneto, so they said it was some "being" from space impersonating Mags. One of the early New Avengers issues talked about it and explained it, but its really [frick]ing confusing.

And yeah, Cyke was awesome in that! That New X-Men run took place after the Apocalypse series The Twelve, that ended with Cyke fusing with Apocalypse. So Cyke was in a really weird place after spending so much time in Apoc's mind.

I personally loved Morrison's New X-Men run. It was something new that had never been done before while still being true to classic X-Men stories, y'know?
Shaman - 8/12/2011, 11:42 AM
CorndogBurglar- Then i'll just consider it to be Mags in there and read as a stand alone LOL Screw them for crewing me :P

Oh yeah, he had fused. I forgot about that.

New X-Men did sound good when i kept hearing about it, but i think that was back when i was too young to appreciate Logan without his costume. I was an adult, don't get me wrong LOL Just not "there" yet, ya know? LOL
batmitedimension - 8/12/2011, 12:13 PM
I prefer him as a hero! Keep him as a hero dammit!
SoulAllFlush - 8/12/2011, 12:53 PM
Character wise Magneto is not a villain really. He was always fighting for his people.

To just flip around and make him a bad guy another without a proper reason is such a massive waste.

The best way to make Magneto go bad again is to slowly wear him down, make him tired of doing things Xavier's way.
TheGambitFreak - 8/12/2011, 2:38 PM
Of course he will, Who hasn't seen this before.

1. Professor X dies.
2. Magneto feels sorry, joins X-Men.
3. Professor X for some reason comes back from the dead.
4. Magneto goes bad.

THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING SINCE '95! Jeez Marvel, get your sh!t together, and gets some new writers and fire Joe Q!

TheGambitFreak - 8/12/2011, 2:40 PM
This story line is merely a twist of the knife from the older stories.
GoldenAgeGhost - 8/12/2011, 2:45 PM
looks like Magnus is a villain again. he was cool as a Hero but now he can kill asshole anti-Mutant people (as shown above duh)
@gambitfreak stop whining.
Spock - 8/12/2011, 3:49 PM
Best Magneto story hands down is AOA!
DarthTesla - 8/12/2011, 4:54 PM
Definitely looks badass with the sleeveless costume.

And while I agree with gambitfreak that we have seen the whole Magneto soap opera for years and years, I'll most likely still end up reading this.
Super12 - 8/12/2011, 8:22 PM
....the Man boys??
Ichaos - 8/13/2011, 5:49 AM
I always thought the whole oh Im a good guy now dont arrest me because I have a white hat now was just bogus. I mean really suppose Galactus becomes a good guy. Do we then ignore all the planets he has eaten?
GLprime2814 - 8/13/2011, 10:49 AM
This is probably one of the most confused characters in marvel has he's a here he's an anti hero he's a villain again seriously marvel pick a side for this guy and keep him there, out of all the villains out there no one switches more sides than this guy, also if he's like 70 why is rogue so into him grooooose.
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