Well, here we are again. After the mind-bending last issue, how does this one fare up? Read on.
This issue continues the debut of new villain Massacre. He has an interesting back-story, but loses rather quickly.
JJJ has an very interesting role. Since the death of his wife, he is now a far more serious mayor. An interesting development, we'll see where it goes.
Spider-Man has a new armor. When I first saw it awhile back, I thought it looked kinda goofy. I take that back. It's really cool, I love the bullet-proof part. The climatic showdown with Spidey and Massacre was good, especially the ending, where Spider-Man won't let anyone die, not even him.
The art has a retro feel, not a big fan of it, but it's alright.
In closing, this is a nice close to this short arc. By no means an awesome issue, but still good.
I give this issue a 3/5.