Mark Millar, the legendary comic book writer behind Kick Ass, Kingsman and Wanted and Marvel comics such as Civil War and Old Man Logan, is giving you the chance to have your very own stories published. This yearly event will give aspiring artists and writers the chance to create a story based on some of Millarworlds most sucessful series and the winners will get their work published in a Millarworld 2016 annual. That's not all they'll receive, as the winners will get paid the going rate that Marvel and DC pay which is $90 per page for writers and $200 per page for artists and all profits from the annual will go to the Hero Initative charity. The full list of stories to choose from are listed below and for full details click on the follwing link. Don't forget to share your thoughts below, is this something you would consider, then let us know and good luck!
KICK-ASS story set between Bks 1-3 (5 pages)
KINGSMAN story starring Eggsy (5 pages)
HIT-GIRL solo adventure (4 pages)
STARLIGHT starring Young Duke McQueen on Tantalus (5 pages)
AMERICAN JESUS set during first book (5 pages)
CHRONONAUTS set in the past, during first book (4 pages)