In a recent interview, the creator of Kick-Ass, The Ultimates and Nemesis (to name but a few) let slip the surprising news that January would see the announcement of a director for his latest critically acclaimed comic book creation, Superior. Well, via his Twitter account a few hours ago, Millar has now announced that they've signed up a big star for the upcoming adaptation!
While there's no mention of which character they'll play, it's definitely intriguing to wonder which high profile actor of 2010 this might be! After receiving a lot of critical acclaim for his role in
Inception, it's not hard for me to imagine that Leonardo DiCaprio would be a spot on choice for Superior! There are literally dozens of great actors he could have been talking about though.
Be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place and stay tuned to CBM for more updates on this and Mark Millar's other projects. You can find the comic book writer on Twitter by following the link at the bottom of this article. (@mrmarkmillar)