Another Marvel character will be hitting the big screen in the future, now you may find yourself asking just like I did myself "Who is Crash Ryan"?. Well Crash Ryan is based on a 1984 Marvel Comic series which was created by Ron Harris and was carried under the Epic Comics Banner. The Epic Comics Banner was geared for a much more mature audience.
Crash Ryan's story takes place in an alternate world based in 1935 and is really influenced by the old serial film and comic era. You can can compare Crash Ryan to a mixture of Flash Gordon, The Rocketeer, and a genral feeling of The Iron Giant. Crash Ryan's world also features high tech techonology that would not exist in this time line such as gigantic flying aircrafts. Crash Ryan is a pilot in the heroic United Airmen who are fighting the evil forces led by a masked villain called "The Doom".

There are very little details available about release dates due the infancy of the project. And it is yet to be determined if this movie will be part of the MCU since this is a Marvel property or will be seperate like the FOX and Sony movies.