So first im going to tell you what I think and what I want is you after you read this are you for Marvel or DC.

Im a Marvel fan i never really gave DC a chance sorry DC fans lol. I like the stories and the charcaters of marvel a lot. I think that Superman is rediculous i mean he is practically god (sorry christians) Dr.Manhattan is too lol. I do enjoy The Watchmen i think it is a very intresting stoyrline not something you see any every comic book. I cant get over the fact that BATMAN DOESNT HAVE POWERS. Any of Marvel's heros can take him out. I'm amused how many failed batmans they have made and they keep making more tillfinally they get a hit. Now i liked The Dark Knight it was a great movie.Now Iron man and The Incredible Hulk werent as succesful but hey they are making a Avengers movie do u see DC making a Justice League movie in the next 20 years i dont. Now yes the Watchmen movie will kick ass and it will suck if its a bad movie but in the next couple of years The majority of comicbook movies will be Marvel made.
Again the points i addressed were pretty much one sided toward Marvel. So make me think different express your points i wanna read'em. Please no stupid comments just saying DCDCDCDCDCDCCDCDC or MARVELMARVELMARVELMARVEL cause i wanna hear a arguement K.
See Ya, The ShakeBake