I think it's safe to say that if Stan Lee ever needs a character witness, he knows who he can call....
Neal Adams wrote,
While I have nothing to say about the lawsuit against Stan Lee and family and its validity, because I simply don’t know, I do feel compelled to say this. I have known Stan Lee for decades, and that is simply not the Stan Lee that I know.”
Marv Wolfman also joined the bench,
"What Neal said. That is not even remotely the Stan I’ve known since 1972. Even when there’s been problems I have never witnessed him to be anything less than understanding, kind and totally professional, and even when we’ve disagreed I’ve never heard him use that kind of language."
While Scott Lobdell adds,
"I’ve been friends with Stan Lee for over 20 years now. I’ve never known him to be anything but a perfect gentleman even during the times I disappointed him with one blown deadline or another. I imagine things for a living but even I can’t imagine a reality in which Stan is anything other than the caring and supportive guy that I’ve always known him to be."
And Nick Burracci says,
"I cannot imagine what is said about Stan or Joan is true. Simply put, I’ve known Stan for a few decades, and I’m going to oversimplify this. I can remember one time there was a mistake that I made, and he looked at me and said “Nick, everyone makes mistakes. Let’s be careful not to do that again.” He smiled and patted me on the back, and we continued on."